When Karma Hunts Your Smell Down…

The first thing I learnt about growing up in my sleepy hollow was, karma revisits. Be good and do good, was the mantra I grew up with. But, trust me, those who preach usually do not practice because we are all very selfish, by nature.

Yep, growing up I saw how when needs changed, the perceived law of karma also did. That’s us, human beings. My meditation guru used to say that all other things except human beings have set characteristics. For example, she said, the nature of the sun is to provide heat and no one would have ever stood in the sun and said `ooh, it is so cooling’, the same would be for snow. Trees do what they were created for, water does what it was meant for, only human beings behave according to the situation. Thus, they may say something is right today and then, say the same thing is wrong, another day. Likewise, they may cite one principle when dealing with one party or group of people but cite another principle when dealing with another group.

And another guru said that karma knows the smell. He cited the example of a chick that’s let loose among a group of hens. The chick, he said, would correctly find its mum, based on the smell. He further said, everything that we do exudes energy and that energy remains in the environment around us. If we do good, the energy of good karma (a.k.a punniya) will be floating around us, like wise energy of bad karma. In other words, karma – good or bad – floats around us. Thus, I suppose the adage what goes around comes around was based on that floating karma that fly all around the universe and finally makes its way back to the owner based on the smell, no actually does a slam dunk on the owner 😃. I think that is what we call the `pay back time’.

We saw that happen in May 2018 and we still see it happen almost on daily basis, in every nook and corner of our lives. I had another guru who amplified the whole thing when he said when the karma returns to the owner, it comes 10 times amplified! In other words, if someone had done good, the reward would be 10 times more, like wise if the karma was a bad one. I believe we are all afraid of the bad ones. And I bet each of you is now thinking back to the bad stuff that you had done, as fear always outweighs pleasure! It’s called karma for a reason, bro.

I also believe that if we take a moment daily to reflect on the things that we had done on that day, we would be better behaved the next. But as life dictates now, everyone of us is running to catch time and complete many things, as many as we wish to fulfil in this short lives of ours. So, what reflection? So, karma keeps tracking our smells – the real smell, not the DolceGabana that you had sprayed in the morning!


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