It's a turn on - The Dabke Dance 😍

Dabke is a native Levantine folk dance performed by the Lebanese, Jordanians, Syrians, Palestinians and Iraqis Dabke combines circle dance and line dancing and is widely performed at weddings and other joyous occasions - so says Wikipedia. I had no inkling about Dabke till our lives were invaded by the Arabs! Yeah, #Limkokwing university where my daughter studies, is filled with them - Jordanians, Syrians, Yemenis, Saudis, Mauritanian - wait, is Mauritania part of the Arab world?

It was one of her crushes, an outrageously handsome Arab, who had 'kicked us off' into Arab world. It's human nature to find out about someone's culture when we like them. So, in came shawarma, habibi and Dabke, plus Amr Diab. 

Initially, it just seemed like a dance but after watching it a few times, I realized that it is a very physically challenging dance. A single session can go on for about 20 to 30 minutes where handsome men (without tummy, lean and agile) do synchronized dancing without missing a beat or a step and the Real turn on is when they do the split second squat  and jump up to continue dancing! - they must have knees without knee caps, trust me!!

Image result for dabke dancer

Another physically challenging part is where they hold each other on the shoulder, meaning each dancers arms will be on the shoulder of the dancers on his left and right sides, for minutes, throughout the dance. No wonder those guys look outrageously fit!!
Of course, I like to watch them from behind, the long Kurta like top shirt hugs the body and nice rear lines are a feast to the eye, the view from the front - oh, those to die for features and looks! Believe me, nothing turns on like a Dabke dance or dancer! Now, let me get back to that YouTube video


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