The Sugu Pavithra Melodrama - Can Never Take Estate Out of a Person!

We all knew it was coming. The photo shoot was the giveaway. Malaysian Indian men have Himalayan sized ego, love their women to remain their slaves for life and can't handle being in the shadows.  If I had written this blog before the whole Sugu Pavithra episode, I would have been shot down. However, here you go - a famous couple, almost complete rags to riches story and one event was all it took for the man to show his true colours. He got drunk and he had a sickle in his hand when he wanted to barge into the O & G Ward at Ipoh GH. There is a saying - you can take a person out of estate but can never take the estate out of the person. How true!

I must admit, I wasn't quite aware of this couple till I saw them in the news meeting the PM. Then came the photo shoot. Pavithra is a stunning beauty. A gem of a find lost in some estate life. If she hadn't started the YouTube Cook channel, they would have remained in estate, making meagre income, living from payday to payday on her husband's fruit plucking wage. But something must have clicked in her that she did what she did and became a sensation. Yes, luck played a part, too, but I am sure it must have been her hard work as well, plus the entrepreneurship that she had in her. Trust me, she isn't the only one. 

There are many such Malaysian Indian women out there who are as capable, if not more, than Pavithra. However, not everyone has the guts to stand up and be counted. Most choose to remain the the shadows of their marriage, sometimes going through domestic abuse and live till the end as a wasted human being. Pavithra did something right but the man she married could not stomach the fact that she was named Ipoh City Icon. What can a human being like him expect? 

Did he work smart to bring his family out of estate? Did he even take up some of the training offerings by the government to upgrade himself so as to flow along with the short time popularity they had garnered? The Net is a huge free library, did he even bother to upgrade his skills and knowledge? Nothing - he chose to get drunk and land in lock up. Master of Melodrama. Every middle and lower class Malaysian Indian man belongs to this category. Losers!

Pavithra has nothing to lose. She already got her footing with YouTube. YouTube is just a footing. She needs to work on her branding - Pavithra. Add value to her brand. Build the value in terms of product, or personal achievements. Give her son an education opportunity that no one in her family can ever imagine and pull herself and her generation out of poverty for good. May be build a life with another man if she wishes to. No loss. No need to hold her hand out to the government for aid. She has come this far on her own, what stops her from moving ahead?

Or Pavithra can choose to be the obedient wife and throw everything that she has earned in the name of being a wife to a worthless man and remain his slave for life, in perpetual poverty and be another statistics for B40 group.

If I were her mother this is what I will tell her - dump that motherf****r! It's time to live!!


  1. It is unfair to categorize every Indian men as "losers". There are many good men out there who are just the opposite.

    1. Yes, well said. Don't simply categorize all Indian men as same. They are those who recognize talent in their wives and help them thrive.

    2. Yes, well said. Don't simply categorize all Indian men as same. They are those who recognize talent in their wives and help them thrive.


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