An Open Letter to the Good Doctor in Gaza City

Dear Dr sa’ab,

Greetings from Malaysia! Sir, you do not know me, the same way my dad does not know your son. But it was the will of God that your son and I met. It wasn’t planned, it wasn’t orchestrated but it happened because God willed it. Why He willed it, only He knows. Today, your son has left for Gaza City with my heart, leaving his, here, for me to take care of it carefully. And I surely will.

Dr sa’ab, I have lived on the face of earth for 54 years, had somewhat good education, come from not so rich family but a family with good talent and values; have two daughters of my own. They are grown up now and have started their own lives. Thus, I think God decided that I need a man in my life and He sent me your son.

Dr sa’ab, I am a very independent woman who does not think twice to walk the streets on my own any time of the day (heard one can’t do this in Gaza). In the same breath will also not think twice to board the flight to Cairo en route Gaza. Such is my independence which attracted your son to me in the first place. Perhaps, that is the confidence that brought me to meet him on our first date at Astaka Morocco. It is the common respect and admiration that we had for each other that turned the whole episode into a love story and weekends together – four weekends which I would never be able to and could never forget in this lifetime.

Dr sa’ab, your son is impeccably a great man – very caring, streetwise, a survivor and he loves unconditionally. He does not put a price on his affection neither does he trade off his love for some benefit. He shows raw emotions as his heart feels, the heart he left behind with me. He is the reflection of you and the value system of your family – you have done a very good job with your children. Your son is the first and foremost proof.

Dr sa’ab, it is most unfortunate that his family life was not great that it is in the courts now. I am in no position to comment on it but I feel it is my right to say that I pray for his happiness and whatever turn life takes, if that adds on to his life, I will be more than happy. Talak, reconciliation, separation – these are all life experiences. Each experience makes us more mature, so it is only right for one to go through life experiences as it is warranted. Such experiences neither make us better or worse, just more capable in life.

Dr sa’ab, he has a gift – he is a master body builder in his category, something that he should pursue in his life for bodybuilding is an art. Not many are blessed with that capability and your son is one outstanding example. Right before he left Malaysia, he was preparing to join Men of Steel competition on 1st December but the phone call from His Highness the Kadhi of Gaza City on that early hours of one Sunday changed everything. Your son needs to return to his glory days again.

I could go on and on singing praises of your son, Dr sa’ab but the reality is that he became a good human being from your upbringing and a superb sportsman from his passion, a great dad to Anas, a faithful son to his mother and complete lover to me. All these in him had made it totally impossible for me to ever forget him or to be able to be away from him that in 2020, if he does not return to me, I plan to travel to Gaza City. I am not sure if that will happen but, if dust filled road to Gaza is my last journey, let my soul depart on his chest, not other place or any...


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