The Dude Who Went To the Police Station!!

Yep, happened yesterday. Gave me a mild heart attack. He was quite restless because there was no work yesterday – he does renovation related jobs to earn money, though his passion is in the gym. Was a champion in his country in 2016.

So, he went off with his friend to some location about 20 kilometres away from his place. The friend dropped him off in the middle of nowhere and drove off.

He sent me location – trust me it was middle of nowhere! Though a localite, I was worried, asked him to take Grab car to the nearest ERL station and take the transit train from there to Putrajaya, then back to his place. Somehow, had a bit of confidence that he would make it but was also worried because he doesn’t speak much of English – yeah, whoever built the Google Translate – I kiss your brain – that’s how we sometimes communicate. His English seems to have improved lately, though 😊

Then he sent me a photo of him in Grab car.  Was quite relieved because finally he is going to some place where he can take proper transport home.

A few minutes later I received a call from him. `Please talk to my Grab driver,’ he said. My heart and head started pounding. What now? It was an Indian lady. She said he set the drop off point as the Police Station!! Instead of train station *@#*$@#* what? POLICE STATION? I tried talking to the driver to drop him at ERL Train station but she said she has been assigned another pick up so she needs to pick that passenger up. And she wanted him to pay her there and then and alight – at the Police Station! This is like digging a hole beneath own feet because no non-Malaysian would ever want to end up at the police’s door-step, especially if they speak minimal English. That will be a bigger horror than the JOKER.

I pleaded her to drop him off at some landmark away from the Police Station so that he can get another Grab car and reach the ERL station. She said okay, that was very nice of her. And a few minutes later I received message from him that he is on the way home in Grab car. How much? RM35. I asked him whether he had enough cash. Yes, he said. He had RM40. I was quite relieved. Then I remembered that there will be toll gates on the way, that means his RM40 would not be sufficient. Next few minutes saw me doing frantic bank transfers to the Grab driver and finally I could sigh in relief.

`You got me worried, dude’, I messaged him. He replied ‘This is love, jaan’. `But why did you go to the police station?’ I just had to ask and he replied `I went to tell them I love you.’ WTF?


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