Success...The Father Who Made Winners, What's Your Excuse?

Mention Gaza and one would imagine ruins littered in a city which would have thrived at one time in history. Governed by Hamas, it is a land 140 square miles (363 square kilometeres) wide along the Mediterranean Sea, northeast of the Sinai Peninsula. Embargoed by Egypt and the United States, controlled by Israel, import of goods including medicines are very limited. Basically, life there is a game of survival. 

In this land which the war had torn apart, lives a man of steel who had made his three sons winners, in their own right. Yes, Dr Azir Shinpary, an expert in Physical Education and former President of the Palestinian Weightlifting Federation, had spent four years of his life in New Delhi, before returning to Gaza and rising into a renowned weightlifter, which eventually brought him to presidency of the federation . And in his course of life, has also moulded his elder son, Raed Shinpary into the first place winner of the Palestinian Bodybuilding Championship in 2016. 

 His third son, Hasan Shinpary was the winner of junior boxing in 2017-2018. But history didn't stop there. 

 Last night Mohamed Shinpary, Dr Shinpary's second son emerged as winner in a Palestinian Talent show, which saw 600 participants in a fierce competition and Mohamed won the title with his very rare talent - he can stack things, regardless of the sizes of the objects. Some of the feats defy the science we know. How does he do it? I have no idea, I have not had a chance to interview him. But, certainly I would love to run a feature on him in my blog here for I have not met another talent like his.

 Stone stacking is something that can be found in countries like Nepal and Thailand. I have personally seen those stone stacks -they go from largest to the smallest - bottom up, but try stacking a full fledged TV set on a lean bottle or
a large stone balanced on a tiny rock, balanced on a stool which has only one leg balanced on another rock. To me, that's a mind-blowing talent - this guy should join AGT (America Got Talent)! Or just any such global talent show. Imagine the hours that he would have put into practice. Imagine the failures and set backs that he had to endure, imagine all the short comings in getting the props - but he made it and won. That's all that matters.

 The fact that he comes from a country that was devastated by war says more about the grit and nerve of steel to succeed. The guidance from his father and the elders in his family would have been the pillars of his strength but the journey was entirely his. It is from such deprivation, the hunger to succeed burns in the tummy and ask any of those people who have made it big in life. There would be a story of grit and resilience supporting the achievement. This is not only the story of a father who made his sons winners, it is the story of a young man who achieved success at the age of 24 by developing a very rare talent he possesses, so what's your excuse?


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