Self-regulation, anyone?

This morning, at breakfast I witnessed something unusual – a patron at the food court where I usually have my breakfast took his plate and glass to the dirty crockery stand and left it there after finishing his breakfast. I was impressed. I have seen this at McD and some other fast food outlets, but at a food court? Nah! Well, as usual that reminded me of a story a friend told me years ago - about 25 years ago, to be more precise.

This friend of mine went to Switzerland to work during his summer break, when he was studying in London – days when the exchange rate would not cause a heart attack. One day, he said, when he wanted to cross a road, he had just walked across while the pedestrian light was still red. A few seconds later, it turned green and guess what?  An old lady who was waiting to cross the road with him, hurried over and started beating him with the umbrella that she was carrying! My friend was shocked. Then he understood that she was angry because he crossed the road while the pedestrian light was red.

Self-regulation is about doing the right thing, regardless who is watching. It is not only about adhering to the law but ensuring value systems and societal norms are respected and adhered to.

I remember reading an article about the Sabahan Tamu Market where produce is left on the shelf for customers to buy and leave the cash in a container that hangs nearby. One can choose to take and go away without paying, but I am sure no one did that. There is a Buddhist temple at Jalan Ampang, in the heart of KL where, a few times a year, there will be no payment for food. Patrons can choose to donate any amount for any stuff taken from the temple cafeteria.

Is self-regulation only about everything to do with money? How about respecting others/other cultures regardless who or which culture that is?

How about thinking, accepting others’ ideas and views without partiality?

So, what is self-regulation? Merriam-Webster dictionary states self-regulating as the act or condition or an instance of regulating oneself or itself.  Collins dictionary explains it as the controlling of a process or activity by the people or organizations that are involved in it rather than by an outside organisation such as the government.

Self-regulation need not mean we do away with the government or governance, but it means we take it a step higher. If we need to be regulated, that means a lot of fire-fighting will happen to set things right, but if we could self-regulate, then more energy and resources can be channeled to development efforts.

Supposing in a family, the kids are always getting into trouble. All the parents could do is to fight to keep the kids off lock up or equivalent. But, if the kids could self-regulate/self-discipline themselves, the parents could plan other activities for them and the family. Money could be used more productively Think about it. It also happens at a larger context - the country, or globally.

Of course, all said and done, self-regulation starts with us. At home to begin with. But, it is tough, you know – most of you will agree as we all have developed some comfort zone that does away with self-regulation. Leaving that comfort zone would mean change and most of us are basically, change averse.

After breakfast, I stood up and walked away leaving my used plate and glass for the cleaner to clear. Comfort zone. Change averse.


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