‘Tis the season for divorce, ‘tis the season to let go …

Folks, I am back! With a bang!! Yes, the Diwali season is over and here I am typing away on my laptop, during my lunch break.

Call us Indians very superstitious, you can’t be more right - yes, we are superstitious. Every time there is a planetary transition, we go running to the astrologer to see how our horoscope would be affected – will it be good? Will it be a challenge? What will happen? Are we prepared enough? What prayers can we do to avert things? The recent planetary transit was Jupiter’s. Bro moved house from Vrishik to Danur raasi. In legible terms, the planet Jupiter moved from Scorpio constellation to Sagittarius’. Planet Jupiter is said to be the one and only benevolent planet. It can affect you positively, but never adversely. Any astrologer will say that Jupiter either gives or keeps silent. It is one planet that will not affect us adversely and I for one will not agree. When Jupiter moved into my 8th house (known as ashtama) I was jobless for 13 months. 13 months of pure struggle. So, I for one do not think that Jupiter would only do good, bugger can make your life difficult, too. Then again, that was my own experience.

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This year Jupiter moved on 28th October 2019, some time at night Malaysia time and trust me the effects were almost immediate. Over the weekend I was with my guy, we were having a very private and quiet time (yeah, I told him about the planetary movement) and lo! at 5 a.m. his phone rang. I passed it to him and I heard an Arabic voice on the other side. Spoke like a lawyer. He just listened and eventually the call ended. Poor dude, woke up, sat on the couch and at that ungodly hour of 5 a.m. he went and took his shower! Then he called someone and had a very long conversation – in Arabic, of course. I could make out some words like abu, Talak, Mushkil, Mahkamah and his son’s name. I knew it was something to do with his divorce which is pending at the courts in his home country. I think our neighbours heard, too, for he did not want to wake me up (folks, I was already awake and watching the drama unfold) so he opened the window and spoke ‘outside’. The call ended and he could not even sleep; he sat on the sofa, just thinking, in a shocked demeanour. Then he came and lied down beside me, deep in thought. He has a habit – he doesn’t like me resting my head on pillow when I sleep; must be on his chest, by default. That’s him, but that early hours in the morning, he was silent and just lied down looking at my face. It was only the day after that I learnt that his ex was asking for more money. It’s like every time she needs money, she gets someone to call him and threaten harm to his family. Would love to kick dat bitch where she spread her legs and conceived her kid! Trust me, dat bitch hasn’t met her match yet and I pray that our paths will never cross for it will be one very ugly crossing. Dat bitch stands no chance!

I got divorced 12 years ago. It was not pleasant either, but over the years I have learnt to deal with bitches and bastards. The bitch was my ex’s girlfriend and of course the `bastard’ refers to my ex hubby. The bitch was the bastard’s girlfriend. She was after my girls. She wanted both to be taken away from me. Initially, I put up a huge fight, and then I let go. Yup, you heard right, I let go. Take my kids by all means, I said and then just as she was about to execute her plans, God struck a hard blow. Both her kids left her. One bad turn deserves another, folks. Trust me, sometimes, you just need to let go. And then the cosmic will work.

Tried telling this to my guy but he is bent on going back to deal with his issues. Well, he can go back, but no way he can come back after that. Such is life, folks. And I doubt his ex will let him leave as she needs a money bank to support her lifestyle, whatever life could be in that broken country. So, again, this time also I have let go. If he wants to go back, so be it. I met a superbly awesome guy, had him for a short while and then fate changes. I let go, so be it.

As for the planet that transited, well, ‘tis the season for divorces, I suppose. My daughter called to say that her uncle and aunt have decided to go for divorce – after 20 years of marriage. Blame it on Jupiter but sometimes, we just need to let go…


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