What Do Empty Nesters Do on Weekends?

It's Friday evening. Most of my colleagues have left the office for the weekend. I arrived late (no thanks to my lactose intolerance in the morning) so will leave in another hour. I will return to my empty nest - yeah, since Abby, the second one, left for college.

But I was the scheming b**ch who foresaw the nest becoming empty, and jumped into a few things but many parents, especially the single ones, would not have expected life to change dramatically after the kids leave home. So, how does one keep oneself occupied on weekends, especially if you are single? Here are some of the things that I do and am planning to do:

1. Get rid of the washing machine! Hey, and I mean it. Get rid of the washing machine and if you are very hardworking, hand wash your clothes especially if you have a place outside the house to wring and dry them. Else, go to the nearest laundry bar and spend some time there washing your clothes. If you meet interesting people, have a conversation, else, take a breather from your home. I hand wash my clothes, a couple of times a week, more so on weekends. Saves money, too!

2. Stop enriching food delivery companies! Yeah, cook your own food, try new recipes (it's okay, if you have no one to share it with, at least successes can go onto FB, failures into your dustbin 😏) but you can hone your culinary skills and who knows you may become the next Master Chef of your country. It all begins with a dream. On weekends that I do not travel to Cyberjaya to see my daughter, I buy groceries on the preceding Friday and eat to my fill during the weekends. A bit extra around the middle, is permissible indulgence :)

3. Get a boyfriend/girlfriend/new friend! Seriously? Yeah, if you are a single parent what's stopping you from dating again? Or just going out with someone for a movie? Many of my single friends opt to go out with known friends. But why? If you are going to try and tickle your brain, go meet someone new. Meet someone who is totally opposite of you-just someone new, not the knucklehead who has been your friend last 30 years! See, you need not do anything remotely illegal, just dinner, or hangout at some pleasant place or shisha joint where you could just have a conversation that would boost your morale plus keep some hours of your weekend occupied. You will come back refreshed, trust me, not that I have been doing that every weekend, but that is certainly in my 10-things-to-do-listπŸ’ƒ

4. Pick up that hobby again! I have - started blogging so that I need not spend my entire weekend working on customer orders. On weekdays I work 15 hours a day, on weekends up to 18 😡. But these days I am smart. I start early in the day, on weekends and stop earlier and watch something on Netflix or read some book that I have been planning to read, or just pick up that needle and start some embroidery! And that is a form of therapy, too.

5. Do some part time work! Yeah, actually, if one is all for money (not that we need that much for old age), it is no harm to do some gigs on weekends. Pop up stalls, fast food joints etc, where people need gig employees. Me? I am doing on the Net. If it clicks, trust me, the money is good. And you get to meet new people, too. 

Well, have a great weekend, go out there and pursue your dreams. Nests may be empty, our lives needn't!


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