The Gaza Dream - Part 2 - So what's stopping you?

This is the second part to my earlier post on the Gaza Dream. My work note book has a saying on the cover - What the Mind Can Conceive, It Can Achieve - Napolean Hill. Yes, I believe that. My life has been such, till today. Whatever I desire to achieve, I set it up in my mind first. I am not sure who said it but it seems if something is etched in the mind, chances are your journey would be towards that destination, none other. Apparently, this is the power of the mind. 

We all remember how Japan rose out of the WWII, post atomic bomb devastation in Hisroshima and Nagasaki to become an economic force in the world. The determination and of course the value system made them one of the most resilient races/country in the world. Because it all starts in the mind.

Today, again, I write about the potentials of Gaza. A narrow strip which is still being bombed by Israelis. Shame on them, but the Jews are the Jews. Guess they do not know the meaning of shame or humanity.  But can Gaza rise out of its destruction?

No, not if all Palestinians focus on are their poverty and the inhumane treatment by Israelis. Every Friday, Gazaans participate in the Great March of Return. They get shot by life bullets, if they are lucky by rubber bullets, but nothing changes. Nothing will change, as long as Palestinians are focused on the devastation. What if they focus on something else? Like building the dream Gaza - the New Gaza? 

For once, let's forget claiming rights to what they think is their right. Leave it. Forget the Great March of Return. Why be the target for Israeli target practice. One Friday, let all Palestinians sit together and discuss what can be done to rebuild Gaza. The next round of rebuilding is not going to be through brick and mortar. It's gonna be in cyberspace. The Israelis can bomb buildings, shoot people or do whatever that can harm physical things. Can Israeli bomb cyberspace? May be attack using some malware whatever, but one can harm a Gazaan physically but can't arm his brain capability. I am very sure in Gaza right now there are extremely intelligent people waiting to be discovered. I am sure there are brains that can out think Israelis and Egyptians. I am sure a Gaza genius is waiting to be discovered. Many Palestinians who have left Palestine have soared to success elsewhere. But one need not wait for the perfect condition to soar. It is usually from the ruins that greatness rise and greatness often return to ruins, if unchecked. Checkmate, Israel. 

All the Gazaans need to do is to start building their economy. Remember the Grameen bank in Bangladesh? Well, what stops banks in Gaza to do the same? The women in Gaza are no different from the women in Bangladesh, so why not?

People need money to build something, so why not use the Grameen bank concepts to empower women? How about online businesses? Why not build a Lazada, an AliExpress kind of business just to cater for the local market. When Ali Express was begun years ago, I am sure Jack ma didn't start it as a conglomerate. He must have started small, so what stops you, Gazaans? Don't people in Gaza eat? Food delivery? Don't people in Gaza need clothes? Online malls? Don't people in Gaza need to move around? How about an equivalence to Moovit? Anything that is Net based cannot be devastated by the Israelis. Why, coz, it's in cyberspace you idiot - it's element is ether - non-destructible! Ether is the same element as our souls - indestructible. 

Gazaans, it's time you think, think very deeply. You can choose to be oppressed by Israel and other moronic nations like the US, but remember, no one is gonna help you, if you don't help yourself. So, put on your thinking cap and start helping yourselves. Enough of seeking international aid, enough of begging for mercy - time to make the Gaza Dream a reality! What's stopping you?


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