An Eye for an Eye, Will Make the World Totally Blind

My Palestinian friends started posting their faces half covered with their palms, on Insta. I asked Raed why and he shared a photo of a journalist who lost his left eye, assaulted by the Israeli army, in the ongoing Israeli oppression in Gaza.

Israeli killing innocent people is like watching the sun rise everyday. They do it without any remorse or conscience. They do it like how we do our daily chores. They just kill. They taunt the Palestinians in Gaza and West bank. They bomb Arabs in Syria. They do it freely because no one actually questions them. They do it because even the United States rallies behind them. They call others `savages' because to them anyone who is not from their faith are not human beings. 

Who are these Israelis? I actually did research online to see who Israelis are. Where did they get their mindset to kill at will? There is one commentary online which says Israeli nation is a fiction. Probably, because they exist only because of the Holy Land they occupy. Else, may be there would never be such a nation to begin with. The debate today, here is not to deliberate whether Israel is a nation or not. The question is why kill innocent people under the name of attacking Hamas hideouts? Why taunt civilians who protest for their right to live? When did any Israeli had to protest to be entitled to his own right to a life? Or any American? Or any Caucasisan? Because the whites probably think they are the lords of this world, so do the Israelis. 

Tun Mahathir said it right - The Arabs will retaliate as long as their attacked. Correct. Forget the Arabs, any race will retaliate as long as they are attacked. Some will retaliate in passive resistance, some in active resistance. This is the order in the lowest loka in creation. Human being oppress each other, like savages. So, Israelis are also savages, right?

In the latest bombing in Gaza, ceasefire prevailed for a short while when Hamas and the Jihadis agreed to stop any rocket attack, then again, think about it. Why did they launch the rocket fire in the first place? Because Israel attacked a Jihadi leader who was sleeping at home. 

In olden days in India, kings do go to war. And the rule of war was to never stab a person from the back. In fact, every family that sends a male member to war would go to the blood and body strewn war field to check how its representative male died - stabbed in the chest or the back. If the body is found to have injuries to the front, the body will be brought home for final rites. On the other hand, if death was due to injuries sustained in the back, any part of the back, that body will not be brought back. Families assume those who had died with wounds in the back to be cowards killed as they flee the war. And any soldier who attacks from behind would also be incarcerated. There was honour in war and killing then. You do not attack an unarmed man. A sleeping man would not be armed, so be a man and kill him on level playing field. The Israelis could not, so they killed a sleeping man. Likewise, an journalist is also unarmed, so why make him blind? For what purpose take his left eye? Did that make any Israeli God? Or Superior being? If shot in the head, be it an Arab or American or Chinese or Israeli would certainly die. That is how the mechanics is. So, why kill others? Why become the only terrorist nation in the world - Israel? Why take away something that you can't recreate, Israel - like life, eye sight, limbs etc? Didn't anyone tell you that if you attack, you will be attacked and no one wins - an eye for an eye makes the entire world blind and before you expect others to stop, you stop first. No one wants to live in a blind world, neither would you!


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