
Showing posts from 2020

Books I Read (and still reading) in 2020 (Part 2) : Debriefing the President - The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein

                                                                                      John Nixon was a senior leadership analyst with the CIA from 1998 to 2011 and this is his first book, probably only book. Seventeen years ago, in the month of December, the US military forces captured Iraqi President Saddam Hussein near his hometown of Tikrit. John Nixon was tasked to debrief the President. You may have figured out by now that I like reading controversial stuff. I have always admired Saddam for his ability to govern a country divided by two main disciplines of Islam - Sunni and Shia. And when he was captured and hanged, the country went into turmoil that lasts till today. Saddam was portrayed as a dictator who ruled with iron fists - or did he? Years ago when I was attending a course on leadership, as part of the course, we were given a situation and asked to choose five items from the pool of stiff that we could have access to post a plane crash in the desert. Among the items was a

Books I Read (and still reading) in 2020 - Part 1 (Why I Killed Gandhi)

 Hi folks! I am back with my blog again! A very dramatic year 2020 has been. The Covid-19 pandemic had altered the way we live. No handshakes, no close proximity, face masked always - it is known as the New Normal. When the pandemic first broke out, almost the whole world went into lock down. Borders closed, economies shut down, people lost their income and suddenly business continuity planning became a sought after competency.  In the gloom, something good did happen - people found time at hand. Families started connecting, people pursued long awaited personal projects and some, like me, read books. I have a habit - I buy kindle books, make a mental note to read someday, but that someday took a pandemic to realise. So, since I had so much time at hand I started reading one by one the books that I had bought. Here is the first book that I read at as the year unfolded. A gentle reminder - the contents cited were from the book; my comments are at the end of the post.     Why I Killed Gan

Gang War in Bollywood

  If you are thinking whether you had read right, yes, you did. The latest collateral damage that's publicly known is Deepika Padukone. She doesn't know that, not did any of those involved in the SSR case. I can sense your confusion but first, take time to read my earlier blog .  You see, sometime between mid to late August 2020, a spy was planted near my unit where I stay. So, looks like I hit close to home with my blog. Probably, the dude who is paid to spy on me does not even know his Masters.  Now, let's come back to this gang war. What's a gang? A gang is a group of people with common motive, whatever the motive contains. The biggest motive a gang can have is territory control. Since time immemorial mankind have always been after territory - China-India war in Tibet is an example. Claiming a territory gives one access to many things - mainly funds and co-conspirators. Gangs need money and people to stay in control.  Bollywood, till recent times was such. We all kno

When You Stir the Hornets' Nest...

 This post is not in favour of anyone; I talk about opening of the Pandora's box - in any situation. In this world, many things happen - both good and bad. Good and bad are relative terms. To some, a good person is one who does everything he is told to do, to others a good person is one who stands up for dharma, regardless of the consequences. So, it is akin to one man's meat being another's poison.                                                        Our own home shores saw the May 2018 election results show this with clarity - the country supported change by removing the ruling party through election. Those who supported the change were jubilant, others were bitter. Then right before the Covid-19 pandemic broke, another government replaced the elected one, some called them backdoor government. Some were jubilant, others bitter. So, each side started opening Pandora's box discrediting each other. In the end, it was about the benefit that one derived from each inciden

A Case of Padmavyuham - The Death of Sushant Singh Rajput

Prologue:  I have written a few times that I did not want to write about SSR anymore and that his soul needs to rest in peace but the revelations after revelations that have been happening since the discovery of his body on 14th June 2020 are slowly untangling a web that would otherwise not be visible to the naked eye. The latest revelations, though seemed mind boggling, are nothing new. They seem very new because it involves a presumably nice character of a person called Sushant Singh Rajput. Otherwise, drug linkages are old news. Now, some of you may question me why I wrote `presumably'. If the adage `a man is judged by the company he keeps' is true, then the word presumably fits very well. Even his family had at one time had concerns with the company that he kept that they alerted the Mumbai police, who of course did nothing. Padmavyuham CBI and ED investigations have revealed that almost everyone around him who lived in that Mont Blanc flat were both drug users and dealers.

How I Published My Book on Amazon

Really folks! Publishing a book was like in the 13th out of the 15 things that I wanted to do before I die and a few weeks ago I had successfully published my book over Amazon. Why 13th in the list of 15? Because I had always thought that while I can write a book, publishing one wasn't my cup of tea. Watched late dad publish his book in prints while growing up. I thought it takes a lot of competence to be able to do that so I still could not believe I actually published one in the form of Kindle book and  paperback. Visited the page again and again, pinched myself a few times and finally realised that I have actually published a book over Amazon which has commercial value.  A bit of history - in 2010 I wrote a book for my employer, a government agency. It was a guide for entrepreneurs in managing their employees, mainly the knowledge employees - the ones who do the research and stuff. The book was never published but was circulated among clients of the company, then. In 2017 I wrot

An Open Letter to Rhea Chakraborthy

  Dear Rhea (For those who have been following my blogs, if the way I address her is surprising, this is what I want to say - all said and done, she is still someone's daughter. May be abandoned - she was born Rhea Sharma, then became Chakraborthy. I know a number of abandoned kids from Bangalore who had a turn in life where they became millionaires, thanks to their adopted families. I believe Rhea is also in that league. So, she was someone's dear daughter, to begin with. Now, let's continue with the letter). You had messed up your life big time. Nothing that you had done all your life looks decent to anyone at this point in time, what more the labels gold digger and murderer. To add to the pain, digital media had labelled you `Lady of the Night' who charges between Rs 3 - 5 lakhs, per night. Why am I writing to you? I am writing this open letter to you with the hope that sanity will prevail and you would have the sense to spill all to the police, about everything and

The One That Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - An analysis of SSR's murder

I couldn't help myself but keep abreast of the SSR case, largely on YouTube. Lots and loads of information have been surfacing over the last one week, especially since the Patna police team arrived in Mumbai. Some of the information that I have come across: 1. Rhea Chakraborthy spent SSR's money lavishly including for black magic on him (!). There were transactions in SSR's KMBL (Kotak Mahindra Bank) statement that she had used the money for pooja purposes. SSR's family claimed that pooja was never performed anywhere, anytime. Black magic pooja? 2. Rhea Chakraborthy had received Rs10 crores or was it Rs100 crores, to kill SSR or at least to push him into depression and the rest will be take care of. Who paid her, I wonder. Was she one of those who killed SSR that wee hours in the morning of 14 June? 3. A video surfaced where she bragged that she is the real don and she just carries out collection of protection money as directed. A donnette? 😲 and directed by whom? Now,

The Next Bollywood Suicide - Why Rhea Chakraborthy Should Not Apply for Anticipatory Bail (It's Called `Karma', B**ch!)

Call me a bi tch, I care not and I will still write this and one day you will say `Yeah, she wrote about that and it happened'. I didn't want to dabble on SSR's (Sushant Singh Rajput) death investigation after my second post on him, but as more and more stories and evidences emerge, I am just as pissed as his other fans. Since my last writing about his death, here is  more information, mostly gathered from YouTube channels, namely Republic TV. Now why would I believe this channel? BJP MP Subramaniyan Swamy had commented that Republic TV had done a good job in unearthing more and more truths about SSR's demise. Here is what is not available in print media. 1. SSR was killed between 12 midnight and 1 a.m. on 13-14 June 2020. This was said by his neighbour who claimed he saw 5 - 6 burly men on his floor around 12 midnight when he heard some loud sounds in the corridor. Moments later, there were sounds in  SSR's bedroom. The neighbour was too scared to even open his doo