An Open Letter to Rhea Chakraborthy


Dear Rhea

(For those who have been following my blogs, if the way I address her is surprising, this is what I want to say - all said and done, she is still someone's daughter. May be abandoned - she was born Rhea Sharma, then became Chakraborthy. I know a number of abandoned kids from Bangalore who had a turn in life where they became millionaires, thanks to their adopted families. I believe Rhea is also in that league. So, she was someone's dear daughter, to begin with. Now, let's continue with the letter).

You had messed up your life big time. Nothing that you had done all your life looks decent to anyone at this point in time, what more the labels gold digger and murderer. To add to the pain, digital media had labelled you `Lady of the Night' who charges between Rs 3 - 5 lakhs, per night.

Why am I writing to you? I am writing this open letter to you with the hope that sanity will prevail and you would have the sense to spill all to the police, about everything and get the whole episode behind you; move on with your life. The longer you stay in the shadows of those who are supposed to protect you, the longer your suffering will be as those who are hiding behind your short dress, are nothing but cowards. They are using you as a shield to getaway with two heinous crimes. By now, I am sure you would have realised that in the entire matter only you have emerged as the scapegoat and only you would receive the maximum punishment in the end, and there could be no one sillier than you.  If you have realised all these by now, good for you; if you have not, at least start noticing what is happening around you. 

I am very sure you would have learnt these life lessons by now, in the most pitiful way:

1. No one was/is actually a friend to you - be it Sidhardh Pithani, Shruti Modi, Ssandip Singh, Mahesh Bhatt, Adithya Thakeray, Salman Khan, your own parents, brother or any other goon who has set you up to do what you had done. At this stage, I do not want to say that you did everything because you are such a person; no, you had greed in you  plus you were coached and the same coaches now have gone into hiding, throwing you to the fore as the one and only guilty person. In all likelihood if you keep playing their game, you would be spending the remaining years of your life behind bars. In my country, the punishment for murder is the gallows, regardless man or woman. I am not sure about India. If the law is the same, then your end would probably be the gallows, too. But it would be a long wait to the end, that wait itself can make you go crazy. 

Faced with the authorities, trust me, girl, everyone who has been your `friend' would say everything possible to incriminate you and save their own skins. Everyone, including your father, mother and brother. Soon, you will realise that men who paid you lakhs for one night would be the same who would avoid you like a disease. Do pray that you will not ever have to walk out of prison because the same people would make you feel worthless more than the most worthless thing on earth.

Now that the case had garnered global interest, the goons who are supposed to keep you safe would no longer be able to bribe anymore officials because no official would want to appear to have colluded with the Bollywood mafia as these days, the same digital media that gave you fame, was the medium that threw open the SSR case and investigated better than the Mumbai police and incriminated you. The same media would also incriminate the officials; media - traditional or digital, have not lost its sting. In a nutshell, life had changed, only the goons who had raped and killed Disha Salian didn't realise that. Now the likes of Adithya Thackeray is crying foul and soon he would say he doesn't know Arbaaz Khan, Salman Khan, Mahesh Bhatt or even you. Such is life, girl. By the way, the group that killed Disha, how many more other women have they killed? Do you know by any chance?

2. Good things/times are short-lived - yes, girl, bad things/times are also short-lived. But you reap what you sow. If you have sowed good things, what you reap will also be good, as the saying goes, one good turn deserves another. Girl, it is exactly the same for bad turn. In case people have not told you, what goes around comes around, only when karma takes that turn to come back towards you it gains 10 times the strength. The same is with punniya (good deeds). Why do you think almost the whole globe of Bollywood fans are rallying behind the late SSR? He did lots of good things including paying for you and your family the many things that you guys had enjoyed. That itself should have made you realise that whatever that you were doing was gross injustice to him. Think, girl. If only you had taken a moment to think you would not have colluded with those people who seem to have all the connections in the world. Wanna know something? No one has any connections; we are all connected to the Al Mighty and all of us will have to answer to Him one day. So would you, and the group of old and young goons who decided to take fate into their hands on that fateful 8th and 13th June 2020.  Had they stopped after killing Disha, perhaps, the whole thing would have died off and perhaps, when SSR spilled the beans, the course of justice  may have taken a longer cycle, the goons may have gotten away. But they became too egoistic and decided to play God. So, God decided to put them in their places.

3. Your life has ended even before it began - you are 28 and your life has ended. What more can you expect from life even if you were to be acquitted, which will be a huge miracle, if that ever happens. That is if the same goons who are supposed to protect you decide to make you `commit suicide' and say the digital media made you take your own life. If you end up in jail, you have no idea how many SSR's fans are behind the bars. Convicts also have their favourite stars in Bollywood and I bet my last dollar they are not gonna leave you alone. The more things surface daily, the angrier the fans become. 

To add to the injury, all your assets would be frozen by the ED, plus your parents'. You know, girl, there is no guarantee that we can enjoy what we earn with our own money, what more with whatever that we loot from others. You will be back to square one where you started - utter poverty. 

Someday when you have the time, read the Garuda Purana, so that you can prepare yourself for the afterlife stay at Hell. Do you know there are 28 Hells where souls can be punished? Looting others' wealth draws capital punishment in afterlife, which is one of the lower Hells - doubt you would like to go there. 

4. So, the most intelligent thing to do will be for you to breakaway from those who are `shielding' you and make a run for `freedom' - go to the Bihar police and spill the entire can of beans. Yes, they may beat you up, but will not let you die. Unlike the goons who are supposed to protect you, they would finish you off to save their own skins.

I asked Raed, a father of one, what would he do if he was your father - this is what he said `I would send her to police myself. May be she didn't kill SSR but she knew they were going to kill him and yet didn't do anything to save him.' Absolutely right, girl. That's the answer - you knew and yet you didn't even try to save him after looting all from him. Regardless what the courts say, you have to remember this when you meet your Creator. I bet you will have no answer then. If Satan does accept you into Hell, you should consider yourself lucky, for the things you had done, I bet even Satan ji would be worried you may loot his wealth, or whatever he has!

As Raed has said, your biggest sin was knowing impending death and not doing anything about it and that is a sin as heavy as causing the death itself. That's the final verdict. 

With kind regards,

Kanimoli Ramaiah, mother of two good girls. 


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