The Next Bollywood Suicide - Why Rhea Chakraborthy Should Not Apply for Anticipatory Bail (It's Called `Karma', B**ch!)

Call me a bitch, I care not and I will still write this and one day you will say `Yeah, she wrote about that and it happened'. I didn't want to dabble on SSR's (Sushant Singh Rajput) death investigation after my second post on him, but as more and more stories and evidences emerge, I am just as pissed as his other fans. Since my last writing about his death, here is more information, mostly gathered from YouTube channels, namely Republic TV. Now why would I believe this channel? BJP MP Subramaniyan Swamy had commented that Republic TV had done a good job in unearthing more and more truths about SSR's demise. Here is what is not available in print media.

1. SSR was killed between 12 midnight and 1 a.m. on 13-14 June 2020. This was said by his neighbour who claimed he saw 5 - 6 burly men on his floor around 12 midnight when he heard some loud sounds in the corridor. Moments later, there were sounds in  SSR's bedroom. The neighbour was too scared to even open his door, so he slept till the morning when it was alleged that SSR was found hanging from his fan. Estimated time of death was never announced by the Mumbai Police till today.

2. Rhea Chakraborthy (actual name: Rhea Sharma, a Banglorean) was found to have transferred Rs54 crores from SSR's account to hers and then onward to someone else's. SSR had amassed lots of wealth through his sheer hard work. He had also bought a piece of land on the moon which he watched using his Meade telescope. In one video interview he said he could see the Andromeda galaxy when the sky was clear. A brilliant and good hearted human being - he had his own charities.

3. SSR's downfall was planned since 2019 when Rhea entered his life. He was said to have taken her for a holiday to locations worldwide, probably for her to convince him of many things. And it was said that while she was in a relationship with SSR, she maintained another relationship with producer Mahesh Bhatt, who is the father of actress Alia Bhatt. She was basically screwing two men at the same time. It makes one wonder how trusting could a man be. 

4. Rhea and her brother Sowmik were partners with SSR in a few of his companies and that was how she siphoned money out. And when they had a big fallout she left with his keys, jewellery, laptop and many other valuables. Love? Get outta here!!

5. It was also alleged that since she entered SSR's life she had tried to cut his family off and had refused any contact between them and him. And all that, while she had brainwashed SSR to think that he had mental issues and that he needed psychiatric help. She took him to the psychiatrist that she knew and the rest is history. It was said that a few months prior to his demise SSR had stopped taking the medicines. That was why she and SSR started having trouble in their relationship. And the weird thing was, Rhea had told the police that she and SSR were supposed to get married in November 2020. Girl, why would you want to marry a mental patient? Let me give you the answer - so that you can immerse your gold-digger self in his wealth and enjoy every bit of it without guilt or remorse and get him declared mentally unstable and dump him into an asylum, take over his wealth and enjoy till eternity - you thought that, right? Didn't your parents teach you about religion, God and karma? What goes around comes around, girl. The next Bollywood suicide will be you and if unlucky, you and your brother, as a package.

6. On 25 February 2020, SSR's family had informed a top Mumbai police official that they were worried about their son and believed his life was in danger as he was getting death threats. SSR was said to have changed his SIM cards 50 times till his demise. Guess what Mumbai police did? Absolutely nothing. The family had apparently tried calling SSR and left a message asking him to return call, Rhea has asked the servant to tell his parents that SSR was locked up in his room. She went to that extent to control and eventually destroy his life.

There are loads more information on the Net, I could not fathom the videos made in Hindi as my command of that language is very limited. You may know even more. Now, let's see why Rhea Chakraborthy is going to be the next Bollywood suicide case. 

It is no longer a secret now that she was and still is in cahouts with Bollywood mafia. Else such a murder could not have been possible. Not only in Bollywood, anywhere in the world, for Mafia, people are as disposable as things. Use today, throw tomorrow. That's all. Today, she is getting deeper and deeper into trouble after the FIR was filed on her by SSR's father. The Patna police is in Mumbai to investigate, Mumbai police is not cooperating and the CM of Maharashtra has disallowed the investigation to be transferred to the CBI. You can't blame them as they chose to sleep with snakes, so if you disturb them, they will bite with venom. So, the police and the politicians have decided not to cooperate or uncover the truth, which probably they already knew. But what everyone has not realised is that the call #justiceforsushant is getting stronger and stronger. Lots of information has been leaked to the media even before the Patna police arrived in Mumbai. So, who leaked? I am sure even among the Mumbai police force there were people with conscience or were just available for money. As more and more such information was leaked, the media got hold of it and made them public. The call for justice for the late actor has become louder. Too loud to be ignored and slowly it is making Mumbai police seem grossly incompetent, unless they make any arrests soon.

Amidst this, Rhea had applied for anticipatory bail or is applying for. Big mistake. The safest place for her is any jail in Bihar. Do you know why? As long as the Patna police is investigating, her life will be assured safety. They need her to know the truth. But as of now, she is in the clutches of the Mafia. If and when the trail gets hot, where all roads begin to lead towards the underworld and/or any particular person, they would need to be rid off her. So, she will commit suicide or would be made to look like that. Karma, yo. Once she is gone, the trail would probably go cold and SSR's story would end there.


So, if that vixen has even a teeny weeny bit of commonsense she should either surrender to Bihar/Patna police or remain afloat, in the eyes of the public that any attempt to be rid off her would sound the alarm and trust me, the Mafia does not like attention. To the Mafia, she is just a tool. The world would not come to an end if she dies. Once upon a time, when SSR's money was siphoned out she was an asset, now with the investigation getting hotter, she has become a liability. Usually liabilities are discarded, so would Rhea be. What goes around comes around, it's called Karma, bitch!


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