The One That Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - An analysis of SSR's murder

I couldn't help myself but keep abreast of the SSR case, largely on YouTube. Lots and loads of information have been surfacing over the last one week, especially since the Patna police team arrived in Mumbai. Some of the information that I have come across:

1. Rhea Chakraborthy spent SSR's money lavishly including for black magic on him (!). There were transactions in SSR's KMBL (Kotak Mahindra Bank) statement that she had used the money for pooja purposes. SSR's family claimed that pooja was never performed anywhere, anytime. Black magic pooja?

2. Rhea Chakraborthy had received Rs10 crores or was it Rs100 crores, to kill SSR or at least to push him into depression and the rest will be take care of. Who paid her, I wonder. Was she one of those who killed SSR that wee hours in the morning of 14 June?

3. A video surfaced where she bragged that she is the real don and she just carries out collection of protection money as directed. A donnette? 😲 and directed by whom? Now, the irony is who had leaked that video? Why? Definitely to strengthen the case against Rhea, but who leaked it? Who dared to leak it if not the ones who sent her? If by now she had not realised that she has been made the main scapegoat, I really feel sorry for her for no amount of money is going to save her now. 

4. It was found that the ambulance driver and the police who arrived on the day SSR was found dead to take him to the hospital, were not the actual people - fake ambulance driver and fake police officers. Someone had done a search on the ambulance vehicle number and found that it was actually registered as truck for transporting goods. When did it become an ambulance? The ambulance driver actually looked like a thug with gold chains and ornaments on his neck and wrists. Very, very filmy, won't you say?

5. Sidharth Pithani, SSR's flatmate, who was interviewed by Arnab Goswami, eventually ditched the interview and ran away. He was in full fear, probably had realised that his life is also in the line, now. RIP, bro.

6. Sandip Ssingh, so called SSR's best friend, had lied through his teeth about almost everything that had happened.

7. Patna police team was manhandled by the Mumbai team, the latter refused to cooperate at any cost and had conveniently deleted Disha Sailan's probe files from the system (!😨) Bro, this is serious!

8. A senior Maharashtra Minister's son had been to SSR's house on June 14th, the day he died, no clarity whether it was before or after.

9. Rhea Chakraborthy has been said to have fled to Canada. She can flee to the moon, for all she wants, there is no place on earth where she can hide, now.

10.  Vinay Tiwari, the encounter specialist (one who is an expert at shooting on sight) from Bihar, who had arrived in Mumbai, has been placed in quarantine, while the rest of the police officers from Patna have not been.

11. And this is the icing on the cake - The face of Maharashtra CM Udhav Thakre said it all when he adamantly said the case will never be transferred to CBI - his face was that of a man in deep fear, definitely not in ego, not arrogance - just deep fear.

Fear. That is what have gripped the Mumbai Police and all those in cahouts with whoever that had ordered the murder of SSR. No one had managed to analyse why SSR was murdered, days after Disha Sailan died and SSR had said he feared for his life. His demise was not accidental. It was pre-planned. The question is - is the Bollywood mafia capable of planning this? I think not. You see, the plan had been hatched sometime in 2018, or latest early 2019 and it was after April 2019, Rhea had entered SSR's life, for a purpose. 

So, instead of looking at all the banks transactions etc, it is time to think what happened before 2019 that had triggered someone or some organization, likely some mafia as we always blame, to plan this? Rhea entered SSR's life in 2019, around April. She wasn't a coincidence. She was sent. By whom? And, why? If she and SSR has had good chemistry, why the need for black magic. Black magic is usually used as last resort. She had to take control of him, as instructed. May be things were not going well between them. 

Now, let's analyse.

If I remember right, SSR went to Houston for astronaut training for his then upcoming film. The film never took off, but it triggered his interest in astronomy - he wanted to travel to the moon in 2024. He even bought a piece of land on the moon. And by end 2018 he was already planning to leave Bollywood to pursue his interest in organic farming. On the contrary that he was being sidelined in Bollywood, which caused depression, that boy was already leaving. So, what sidelining? What nepotism? Rhea was not happy that he wanted to leave Bollywood, but people had wanted him to leave and he was ready to. Doesn't add up, right? For those who had heard his spirit talk to Steve Huff, who eventually sort of `confessed' that he cooked it all up (really?), SSR had said he had 2 patents, if I recall right, during the third session. Patents on what? Who was after that? Who wanted him for some other reason? Was he asked to do something when he goes to the moon in 2024 that he had refused and that triggered the whole thing? 

The fact that Steve Huff, who had been into ITC research for more than 10 years and lives by that income came out and announced that it was entirely a lie. a couple of weeks after he spoke to SSR's spirit, didn't make sense. That man literally threw sand into his own food bowl. SSR's spirit had said many things in Hindi and Urdu during the three sessions which was not captured by Steve Huff, but by the viewers. So, if Steve did not understand those stuff, why even bother threatening him? Probably because he conveyed lots of truths and the key could be `patents'. Steve `confessed' to the `fakeness' of his video after `patents' were heard by viewers.  If the key is patents, Bollywood mafia may have just executed the orders from some higher `authority'. Who is that authority? Or which organization is that?

I remember years ago, when I was married to my second ex hubby, a cardiovascular surgeon, a friend of his used to communicate with me. You see, heart disease, like Covid-19, does not discriminate. The rich and poor get it, the rich more than the poor. Some of his patients were people from the underworld and that was how this man came into the picture. The man was an Arab Sheikh, who held very high `office' in his world. He addressed me as his `mother' because of the seniority of my age. So, as mother I tried to advise him to leave the underworld. He told me that once in, the only way out was in a coffin. He never had any direct communication with me; he used Social Media platforms like Yahoo messenger to communicate.  He told me one key thing - when the underworld approaches anyone to do something for them, death has been marked. Because if the person agrees, the only way out will be through a coffin and if he/she refuses, death comes a lot earlier. SSR was a decent , good guy. They would have approached him knowing he was going to the moon in 2024. He would have refused their request, so death came a lot sooner. Disha was probably the collateral damage as SSR could have confided in her.

Then as cover up, the entire Bollywood style drama is going on while the real perpetrators are sipping beer watching the one that flew over the cuckoo's nest. 

SSR, no one is going to figure this out, perhaps, even you didn't and still haven't till now, so, go on with your journey. There is much more for you where you are at and, boy, no one can hurt you there!

As for Rhea, as I had written earlier, you had traded your life for money. Nothing can save you now, for the only way out is through a coffin. Yours have already been made. Rest in peace, girl. 


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