A Case of Padmavyuham - The Death of Sushant Singh Rajput


 I have written a few times that I did not want to write about SSR anymore and that his soul needs to rest in peace but the revelations after revelations that have been happening since the discovery of his body on 14th June 2020 are slowly untangling a web that would otherwise not be visible to the naked eye.

The latest revelations, though seemed mind boggling, are nothing new. They seem very new because it involves a presumably nice character of a person called Sushant Singh Rajput. Otherwise, drug linkages are old news.

Now, some of you may question me why I wrote `presumably'. If the adage `a man is judged by the company he keeps' is true, then the word presumably fits very well. Even his family had at one time had concerns with the company that he kept that they alerted the Mumbai police, who of course did nothing.


CBI and ED investigations have revealed that almost everyone around him who lived in that Mont Blanc flat were both drug users and dealers. What more to say? So, am I saying that SSR was also involved in it? No one would ever know because the post mortem of his mortal remains were done past 10 hours upon his death and any trace of substance in the blood would have disappeared after 6 hours. So, no one can really say. Then again one need not be drug user to have drugs in the blood system; drugs (non medical) can be administered in many ways. So, for now discussion about SSR would rest here at this juncture.

Let's now look at the connection between the drug world and padmavyuham. We need not talk in the context of SSR because this applies to just anyone associated with the drug world. Drug mules who have been jailed overseas would attest to this. 

Out of all the vices in the world only one has far fetching reach among human beings - non-medical drugs or plainly street drugs. The general vice includes prostitution (which has limited audience among mankind), human trafficking (also has limited audience), illegal arms (also has limited audience because not everyone on earth carry guns), cybercrimes (also have limited audience) but drugs have far fetched reach. Anyone can be drawn into it either as user or dealer; sometimes as both. Thus, it is called street drugs.

If blood tests are done on those in Bollywood chances are more than 70% may emerge as users. If in Hollywood, the number could be close to 100%.  If blood tests are done on CEOs of companies, more than 80% may test positive. If blood tests are done on the man in the street, chances are more than 50% may test positive. These numbers are not scientifically gathered but was given to me by someone linked to the underworld, once upon a time, more than 12 years ago. I can only imagine the numbers increasing over time, not decrease. So, why did I connect the drug world to padmavyuham?


What is Padmavyuham? It is also known as Chakravyuham. It is an art of war from Mahabharata. The hardest to penetrate. The formation is akin to a lotus that has opened up. It was written that Arjuna had talked about this to his wife, Subhadra, who was pregnant with his son, Abhimanyu. Baby Abhi, while in mummy's tummy, heard the secrets of padmavyuham and how to penetrate a formation like this. But his mother fell asleep before she could hear about exiting the formation, so Arjuna stopped there. The secret of exiting was never imparted by Arjuna to Subadhra. At the age of 16 when Abhimanyu fought in the Kurukshetra war with his dad Arjuna, he had successfully penetrated the padmavuham formation of soldiers which was the strategy of Dronacharya but he could not exit. That didn't mean that they killed him just like that, no, sir. Abhimanyu had developed some special war knowledge that the only way he could be killed was through a conspiracy which was to be carried out by a number of Kaurava soldiers, all at the same time. All the conspirators worked at the same time and successfully killed Abhimanyu. Sounds familiar? 

The drug world is such. One may enter for right or wrong reason. Right reason would be to destroy it, wrong reason will be to participate in it. Whatever the reason is, once in, the only way out will be death. It is like the padmavyuham - exit by death only.

Now, let's go back to SSR. While chat messages of those implicated in his death have been recovered from iCloud, no one has said anything about SSR's own chat messages, which I am sure are also being scrutinized.  What happened from April 2019, since the entry of Rhea? Why did she enter his life, to begin with? Coincidence? I do not think so. SSR dated the likes of  Ankitha, Kriti Sanon and Sara Ali Khan, women who to a large extent had `class', Rhea, by looks itself is pretty slutty (not a nice word, but that is how I would describe her). Not to mention her `association' with men like Mahesh Bhatt. So, what went wrong with SSR? Why Rhea? Was it honey-trapping?

The drug world does not do honey-trapping, so who did? Was SSR coerced to do drugs because some other approaches failed? Did he willingly do drugs then decided to move away? Then his gym trainer would have noticed. Well, he did notice that SSR was given medical drugs. Did he refuse to even participate that his money was siphoned away? Or was he targeted because he had developed some commercially valuable patents? In an earlier blog I had said that one needs to look far into history of SSR as far as 2018 when he went to Houston for astronaut training. The clue may be there.

As bad as it is, the drug world has its own dharma that if one says no from the be beginning, there will be minimal or no damage. People who choose to stay away will not be harmed, else you and I will not be alive today. So, who will see the end of daylights? Ones who choose to be involved and then decide to walk away - these people are given the only exit known to the drug world - death. 

The same applies to those who are approached by the underworld to do something for them and when they refuse the only punishment is death. So, which is which? Was it the drug world or the underworld that made this conspiracy happen? 

Is Dubai the last stop of the link? Or the linkage runs deep below the deserts, across the Atlantic? People who instructed the killing of SSR knew they were messing with a celebrity. Celebrity means attention and publicity. Would drug kingpins risk such publicity? The answer is no. So, who would risk attention and publicity to knock off a known celebrity? The real answer may lie beyond the shores of India.

However, for SSR - his padmavyuham has been Rhea and her gang. He had probably wanted an exit and death was the only way they would let him go.


I truly feel sorry for Rhea and her gang. Really. All their deaths have been marked. They may not be killed now, that would make the entire thing murkier and would bring about unwanted attention. The rule of law would apply and they would be jailed. But, remember, they had already talked and they know names of people from that deep dark world. 

So, one day, years from now, when many have forgotten the case,  there would be a riot in the jail. The wardens would have no alternative but the open fire and kill Depesh, Neeraj and Sidharth, plus a few other collateral damages. Sandeep can run to the end of the world if he may, one day his body will be found floating, bloated, in the River Seine. As for Rhea, out of guilt she would be found hanging in her cell. What goes around comes around, chum.

You see the only way out of the padmavyuham is death; it's the same when you mess with the underworld. The verdict is the same, only time differs.


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