Gang War in Bollywood

 If you are thinking whether you had read right, yes, you did. The latest collateral damage that's publicly known is Deepika Padukone. She doesn't know that, not did any of those involved in the SSR case. I can sense your confusion but first, take time to read my earlier blog.

 You see, sometime between mid to late August 2020, a spy was planted near my unit where I stay. So, looks like I hit close to home with my blog. Probably, the dude who is paid to spy on me does not even know his Masters. 

Now, let's come back to this gang war. What's a gang? A gang is a group of people with common motive, whatever the motive contains. The biggest motive a gang can have is territory control. Since time immemorial mankind have always been after territory - China-India war in Tibet is an example. Claiming a territory gives one access to many things - mainly funds and co-conspirators. Gangs need money and people to stay in control. 

Bollywood, till recent times was such. We all know who controlled Bollywood. `Controlled' because the current gang is losing power and control, will be out of the picture soon.

If you had read my blog `The One That Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', you would know that late SSR's demise was planned in 2018, no, not by those who were accused to have done the planning - no, sir, they are just pawns. The Master themselves had planned that after the murder of the late Padmashri Sri Devi, top female star of Bollywood. Reports were that she had consumed a little too much alcohol, fell into the bath tub and drowned. Of course, before that they said she had heart attack. Like in SSR's case - depression was the first theory. Now homicide. Then, there is the Disha-SSR death link. Perhaps, no one knows that it is actually Sri Devi-SSR death link. Why? Because the Masters designed it so.

Whatever I am writing here is only information gathered from the public domain and using my own limited analytical skills, I deduce things, which usually turn out right. I thought my writings were just words on air, till the spy turned up.

We have all seen movies, many of them where when one member of the gang falters, the leader gets another guy to finish him off because the one who falters would probably get the gang into trouble, or another scenario will be when one guy seems to grow bigger than the leader or negotiates higher fee for deals, then the leader has no alternative but to eliminate that one dude to protect his territory and himself. That is what is pretty much happening in Bollywood. 

Rumours are that the late Sri Devi had accumulated enough evidence to expose the dark crimes in Bollywood, which included her own husband. So, it was reported that he flew back to Mumbai after the wedding of some relative while Sri Devi remained in Dubai. Apparently, he took the next flight out to Dubai and found her dead in the bath tub while waiting to take her out to dinner. Of course, underground stories say that she was missing for two days before the alleged drowning. It was pretty much the same with the late SSR's case. He was missing from afternoon of 13th June 2020, but reported to have died by suicide on 14th June 2020. Okay, these are all collateral damages, but what are the gangs fighting in Bollywood for?

We all know that one gang had been in power for sometime, the Indian government had also investigated leading A list stars for Mafia activity when the likes of SRK and Aamir Khan were budding stars. No idea what happened after that. But what had never changed was the control of a specific gang in Bollywood, till 2018. 

It was in 2018, it was probably decided that the current gang controlling the industry was incompetent, probably because a single woman could accumulate enough evidence that could have put the Bollywood mafia out of business. So, the plan was hatched to have them replaced. Social media helps a lot to keep everyone distracted while the plan materialises. In this drama everyone is/was a pawn - Disha Salian, SSR, Mahesh Bhatt, Rhea Chakraborthy, the media, the Khans, the NCB, ED, CBI, Dr Subramanian Swamy, Adv Vibhor Anand, Arnab Goswami, the Maha government, Indian government, the Emirates and the list goes on. The pawns are needed to ensure the drama unfolds the way the Masters wanted it, like in a movie, while keeping everyone distracted with conspiracy theory. Arnab Goswami thinks he is fighting for justice, Adv Vibhor Anand thinks he is revealing sensitive information/names, Dr Swamy thinks he is serving his own agenda, but all of them are just pawns of the main agenda. 

The agenda is the replacement of the current Bollywood mafia with a new one, the same way Osama ben Laden was eliminated when he was no longer useful to the Masters. Saddam Hussein ji, too, met same fate.

The Masters need industries like Bollywood and Hollywood under their wings to fund their own activities which span across the globe. The money from such industries are in abundance, usually undeclared, ill gotten, not accounted for, move beneath the surface that they are off record, which is convenient for the Masters. When one source is threatened, they need to get the `management' replaced. That is the gang war in Bollywood right now - one is the outgoing, the other is the incoming. The ones who are supposedly fighting for justice is the incoming gang. So, now go figure who are the Masters - they are still sitting sipping beer while the drama unfolds.

So, what's in it for me in this? Ha ha, nothing folks. I just write as I figure out. If I am right, a spy would turn up, if I am not, life goes on..chalta hai!


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