When You Stir the Hornets' Nest...

 This post is not in favour of anyone; I talk about opening of the Pandora's box - in any situation. In this world, many things happen - both good and bad. Good and bad are relative terms. To some, a good person is one who does everything he is told to do, to others a good person is one who stands up for dharma, regardless of the consequences. So, it is akin to one man's meat being another's poison.


Our own home shores saw the May 2018 election results show this with clarity - the country supported change by removing the ruling party through election. Those who supported the change were jubilant, others were bitter. Then right before the Covid-19 pandemic broke, another government replaced the elected one, some called them backdoor government. Some were jubilant, others bitter. So, each side started opening Pandora's box discrediting each other. In the end, it was about the benefit that one derived from each incident. 

In the recent times we have seen this trend almost world over. The US blamed China for the pandemic that has swept the entire world which brought great destruction to humanity. Kamala Harris blamed  Donald Trump for the mess the US is in with the pandemic sweeping the country like wild fire and the government being unable to do anything. And the SSR fans blamed Bollywood for his death. 

The key thing in all these blame game is the washing of the dirty linen of the opponent in the public, to gain mileage and to deviate attention from the original problem or intention. In the process one's own dirty linen also surfaces in the public, at times. 

One woman called Rhea Chakraborthy was demonized for having conspired in SSR's death. Be clear, I am not a fan of hers, in fact I have written blogs against her. But the irony is that there were many men purported to have been more directly involved in the death of the young man from Bihar but she was singled out and made the witch who had killed the `innocent' star. The innocent is written like that because as one Mumbai psychiatrist had written, late SSR was a man aged 34, not an innocent starry eyed boy lost in a big city with bright lights, been in the industry for sometime, knew its nuances and negotiated around them, had already had about 10 films under his belt, a string of girlfriends to match, many live in relationships and of course, smoked marijuana. I am quoting what the media had reported, mind you, I am not privy to any of these information personally, not that it matters to me. In fact, the chaos in recent times saw the entire purpose of #justiceforssr disappear just like that. His death is no longer in focus; the likes of Kangana Ranaut and others have hijacked the entire serial, not just episodes!

But what matters to me is that I am a mother of 2 daughters, my daughters are not angels, like every other normal human being, they too, have their skeletons in their closet, some of which I know, others, I don't. If I do discover the unknown, as a mother I would be happy that my girls were just average human beings - punniyas and karmas, and all. In other words, regular girls. As a mother I strongly oppose the demonization of Rhea Chakraborthy even before she is formally charged with anything by the CBI, if they do charge her at all. 

The campaign undertaken by SSR's family had imploded. Yes, imploded - exploded into within. They filed an FIR alleging abetment of suicide by Rhea Chakraborthy and alleged that she ran away with his money. And they campaigned so much that late SSR's fans from world over supported the cause till the case was handed to three agencies for investigation - CBI, ED and NCB. Once the NCB entered the scene, the entire focus shifted away from the death of SSR into drugs and so many small frys were caught in the dragnet.  NCB's investigation also brought to surface that the late actor was also on drugs, I believe it was marijuana. SSR's family went silent and claimed that they had never lodged any report on drug angle. That's what happens when you stir the hornets' nest - you get stung.

 CBI also investigated Rhea but did not find anything so far to charge her formally, ED could not locate the money that she was supposed to have runaway with. But she had been demonized badly just because she was a woman in love with a drug addict who had mental issues (words of her lawyer, folks, not mine)

Mental health can be a damper in any relationship. Sufferers would not be seen as suffering but one who shares the person's life will go through hell. I know 'coz I did when I was with a similar person during my varsity days. The relationship lasted 2 years and I walked out after friends advised me that such people do not recover, they improve but there is no saying when their mental health would deteriorate again - it was like the weather - you just can't predict their days. They guy I was with thought everyone was out to kill him. Imagine the daily stress. May be that was what Rhea had gone through, perhaps, people in Bollywood knew about SSR's state of mind, perhaps that was why Sara Ali Khan was asked to break up from him. We would never know.

Kriti Sanon had rightly tweeted that perhaps it was never about SSR's death in the first place, someone else's agenda had to be served. Whose? I think we all know the answer. But in the process, the hornet's nest was stirred and the opposition that campaigned against SSR's family started floating many videos where he was seen smoking - God knows what. Then there was testimony of his fling with other female stars at his Pavna lake house. I believe the CBI knows more and perhaps, they also knew that while murder is a crime, the victim may be was not so `clean' himself. But, certainly, no one should die the way he did.

What did he do that `they' decided to kill him? There were also rumours about his murder being live streamed in the dark web. Any psychiatrist will tell you that if a person is stabbed multiple times, the number of times the stabbing happened would say whether it was a crime of coincidence like someone who wanted to rob some money, stabs to demobilize the victim, or a crime of hate where the anger is chanelled through repeated stabbings. Live streamed murder on dark web portrays very deep anger. Whose? Why? 

And the rumours about Bollywood stars consuming pituitary glands of tortured children to remain youthful or for attaining great `drug high' - probably true but nothing new. If the late SSR had thought that he had wanted to cleanse the world of such practices he should have started by cleaning a well known royal family that was known to consume newly born babies for meals! Again, I am only quoting the social media and I am sure he knew about such practices for he was a very brilliant guy. It is an age old practice. Perhaps, he had his own motive to revenge those who messed with his career, so he focused on Bollywood or on some people from Bollywood. Hollywood, Bollywood or just about any industry can be as dirty as the dirtiest sewer. I have written about the CEO of a telco consuming designer drugs where each pill costs USD200,000! So, shall we close the telco industry? I had a Boss who was on drugs 24x7 when I was with the government, so shall we close the government, too? So, why is Bollywood targeted by the media? Go after Hollywood, too, if you want to make the world a better place.

No one is perfect, no one's life will be perfect. For one so vocal like Arnab Goswami, does he know how his kids would turnout? Karma has a way of making it back to you when you least expect it. Rhea Chakraborthy didn't realise that when she wrote 11 years ago that she can't believe a young actress was implicated in drug case. 11 years later karma caught up with her. Shwetha Singh Kriti, late SSR's sister also realised the hard way - every action has equal and opposite reaction - she soldiered for her brother by witch hunting Rhea, and evidences and videos about her brother's flings and drug parties surfaced, I believe there are more. Though she has been said to have organized the parties at his home, did she do it with a gun at his head? I am sure he was also party to it. Not so innocent after all.

Sometimes, in fight for justice, one should not stir the hornet's nest because even if hornets may not sting, karma will. Shwetha Singh Kirti has decided to go off social media for 10 days and I suspect, her absence could last longer. You see, just because she was late SSR's sister, it didn't mean she knew everything about him, just like I do not know how many skeletons are hidden in my girls' closets. No parent has any answer to that. Nevertheless, they are my kids and I accept them the way they are. Witch hunting is a karma and karma returns with 10 times the velocity when it makes a U turn in the universe, for after all, it is an energy and will return to its source from where it was catapulted from.

Ask Bill Clinton about karma. He fought to have President Nixon impeached on Watergate scandal and he was in same predicament when he took office years decades later (the Monicka Lewinsky scandal) then again it was a woman - Monicka Lewinsky - who was made the witch. But it all started when someone decided to stir the hornets' nest. 


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