Making Money On The Side – How to Add to Your Income While Working Full-time

Well, folks, 2020 is arriving soon. It is time we all live our lives. Living means enjoying life as it comes and one necessity is money. With the Internet of Things taking over our lives, let us start looking at ways to make money, even while having a full-time job. I have compiled a list here (not exhaustive), see what works and if you have more ideas, do share for the benefit of others:

1.    Set up online courses – people these days prefer constructivism. That means, they like to learn on their own at their pace. Most of us learn from YouTube – yes, I get my recipes from them. Sometimes, we need quick fixes like how to set up a formula in Excel, so YouTube is the best place to look at. Of course, some of us still use search engines like Google, then again there are people who would like to learn a full course. Sites like Udemy, TakeLessons can be a good start but my suggestion is to browse these sites first before setting up anything online. Alternatively, use any website builder and set up courses. But remember, if you were to use your own website, you will have to do your own marketing and yeah, that means money. So, check out the available sites and start planning.

2.    Be an online Tutor – there is a site called Cambly which hires people to chat about specific topics. They pay is quite good – USD10.20 an hour – that is about RM41 an hour. You will need good infrastructure – computer with good camera, Net connection etc before you begin. Yes, some investment would be needed. As I had advised, browse the site and then decide whether this would work for you.

3.    Be Online Researcher – organizations are often looking for authenticity, thus freelance researchers are needed to dig a little deeper into specific issues. While it may seem easy, please bear in mind that you will need to be a master in a specific area to be able to do this effectively.

4.    Be a freelancer – freelancing has taken multiple dimension – freelance writer, blogger, graphic designer, web designer, translator, audio transcriptor, editor, voice over artist, just about anything that needs people on short term assignments. I have personally worked for Appen on some transcripting projects. The money was good indeed, added to my pocket money. Then again, such projects do not come by all the time. It will be a good idea to work for a few sites at the same time.

5.    Online Mystery Shopper – this is also another option for side income. Brands often look for mystery shoppers for specific assignments. So, look around and see who is recruiting online mystery shoppers.

6.    Manage Social Media Accounts for Small and Medium Enterprises – Many entrepreneurs do not have the time to manage their social media accounts. They rely on others to do it for them. I have known cases where people who manage a few social media accounts could earn enough to pay their rent. So, start asking around.

7.    Do copy writing – yes, not many can write and writing clear concise message is an art. So, if you are good at writing, look around for people who need copy writers. Sites like Workana does provide link between client and freelancers. Other sites like UpWork also do the same however, not every site would welcome freelancers with open arms. I was conned by one site called the PeoplePerHour, where to have your profile vetted fast you can choose to pay but in the end they would still reject. So, beware of such sites.

8.  Sell eBooks – if you are a good writer, write and sell eBooks. Then again, please remember, it is not as easy as it sounds. Once you have written and published (still can be free at this stage – try Bookrix) you will have to find a publisher and invest or promote your book yourself. That means – money. So, check first before embarking on such a venture.

9.    Do proofreading – if your language command is good, do proof reading. More and more businesses are becoming gig based. It has now turned into a more efficient business operation model as instead of having full time employees, companies can hire and pay based on productivity. Managing cost would be more effective and companies need not be burdened with perks and benefits.

10. Do delivery service – more and more e-hailing companies are using part timers to do deliveries – from products to food to just about anything. In Malaysia, companies like Go-Getters, Lalamove, PGeon hire people on gig basis. Not to mention Grab, Foodpanda and a whole lot more. All it takes is some effort and time.

Now that you have a list to consider, happy making money in 2020!


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