A single mother’s new year resolution

Now that the thanking part is over for 2019, let me start planning for 2020. So, here’s my new year resolution:

1.    Money, money, money – yes, my first resolution is to make money work for me. Well, either I land a job with a larger package or I find another source of income or I manage my money better so that I could pay all my bills and have enough at hand to make through the month; with some indulgences of course.

It is not that I am earning lesser now, however, over the years debt had mounted as I put my second one through her school education – international school – and that made a huge dent on my finances. How and why she ended up at such a school is another long story, however, it is all worth it seeing her mature into a responsible individual.

I am coming out of the woods, slowly but it may take longer without more money at hand. Plus, some heavy weight expenses are expected in the coming months, so, it is time to start thinking, job hunting and planning cash flow.

2.    Body, body, body – let’s get this straight. I am NOT overweight. At 5’ 7” with a weight of 59kg my BMI is only 20.4! Way below overweight but that hourglass figure is still elusive because like all mothers who have given birth, I have a tummy that takes away the elegance of a silhouette dress. I look good in front view but side view..alas! I have been trying to lose that tummy fat the last few years – 4 to be exact, but hunger and lack of time always sabotage. Hunger makes me eat more carbo and lack of time means lack of exercise. The weeks when I exercise, I tend to really lose some fat along the midline, then some other priorities take over and there goes my time. So, for now I will just suck in my tummy as I walk but seriously, I need to look for ways to lose tummy fat.

3.    Love, love, love – Relationships need to be built, nurtured and cared for. I believe the reason for my staying single for so long was my unwillingness to invest in relationship. Blame it on the economist in me – I like to use my time effectively. Relationship means one has to set aside time to talk, communicate, display emotions, spend time together – that’s a huge chunk out of the limited 24 hours that I have! Since Raed entered my life, I had learnt to spend time with him, something I never knew how to, as for years each second was spent working, working, working. The few weeks we had spent together made me realise that spending such time actually made me relax and having someone by my side means I do not have to shoulder all responsibilities on my own and that reduced stress. My elder daughter even commented that I looked glowing! Science says that good feeling releases endorphin in our brain, so in 2020, am gonna go hunting for good feelings!

4.    Time, time, time – Yup, I am not a good time manager. To be good at managing time, one need to manage priorities. I had always put others before me. Very wrong. It is time I put myself before others. Afterall, it is my life and why would I want to spend my time for others? Need to catch up on exercise, chats and meets with friends, may be more time watching movies and perhaps some outing after Raed returns. Now that the girls are employed and have their own money, I can put aside some for my own travel. As my best friend Ravi says, if we don’t live now, we’ll never know the meaning of life. So, live, I shall.

Like Key Performance Indicators, one should only have limited resolution, not a laundry list lest nothing gets achieved. So, 2020, here I come with my short list and extra ordinary energy!

And here's wishing all of you a great 2020!


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