Forget 2020 resolutions – it’s time to say thank you first!

A week to go before the year ends – and yes, I have been silent for some time now. The Qatar project has taken off, progress is good though could be challenging at times given that internal and external experts are working on it. A trip to Doha made me busier than usual and that didn’t help to find the time to continue blogging though I was sure that I could blog from there but alas!

So, here we are; almost at the end of 2019. I would like to reflect on the past months and thank a host of people and persons who made huge difference in my life. I would like to begin with my past employers – Manipal Global Education Services, with whom I worked for 4.5 years. Those were wonderful years; it was my Bosses at Manipal who saved my life when I was diagnosed with cancer and for that I would always be grateful, however, I wish I was treated better while I was there. It seems like there was a bias against me as I was a woman/single mother. Maybe they don’t feel that way, as that could be very cultural, but it did make me feel as if I was alienated, grossly. Nevertheless, the 4.5 years, more so the last 8 months served as a good base for me to commence on my journey towards my last phase of active working life, which could possibly span another 4 – 6 years.

And next in line would be my gratitude to my current employers – the Finance Accreditation Agency – who provided me with a superb ambience to work as a subject matter expert. Though I do not know how long I will be here, working here gave me an opportunity to see the world from the financial regulatory perspective. The people here are also amazing; it’s a totally different work environment, a good break from the past hectic working life.

Thankful I am for the old and new people who have remained and have entered my life, respectively. Dr Rao has always been a pillar of support in my life. The past year has been financially challenging. At the most crucial time when I was certain of sinking, he threw me a lifeline. That saved my credibility and credit rating, till I could stand up again. That’s Dr Rao for you. Thank you, Dr Rao.

Then, there is my best friend Ravi, who has been the brother that I never had, been there all these years, spanning almost a quarter of a decade. He was there when I got married, he was there when I was facing a troubled marriage, he was there when I got divorce, he was certainly there when I was jobless for 13 months and he has always been there for me and yes, vice versa. I have always been thankful for his presence, his words of wisdom and his brotherliness.

My two angels - my daughters deserve a mention as they had taught me patience as a woman and mother. I am ever thankful that both are working now, one in a full- time permanent job, the other in a part time job. Though it is not in my practice to expect any money from my children, I am glad that they will have their own money to spend and that would put less strain on my finances.

The person who unexpectedly walked into my life – Raed Al-Shinpary, deserves a special mention for he made me a woman again. He made me realise that being divorced need not mean doomed to remain single. Our very big age gap seemed too trivial when we were together and for that I am truly grateful to him.

I am also thankful that this year Bollywood Begum did very well in its Diwali collection. We sold about 20 pieces of clothing to unique customers, built a following and made a small but certain revenue, plus the rebranding that gave us our new logo and customers.
I am utterly grateful for all the life experiences that had come my way – my dad’s passing and my siblings true colours. All that fake sincerity and fake demeanour – boy, am I glad that I am out of that mess. Thankful, too I am, to the nine planets in our solar system which never cease throwing surprises in my way. After Raed, the next surprise was Metchy, the one-year old Pomeranian, who have made the long drive to Cyberjaya worthwhile. His eagerness to see me return home to Abby’s place daily, his naughtiness in hijacking my shoes, his peeing at unexpected places, the joy of taking him for his weekly Taman Tasik Cyberjaya visit, feeding him, cuddling him, and his incessant early morning face licking – well, it must be the planets and good ol’ late dad who had made those little things a joy.

I am not advocating that everyone should reflect on 2019 and thank the good and bad things that had happened but in my 54 years on earth I have realised that more than the good, the bad things work wonders. These things show us the perspectives that we would otherwise miss in life. This year I had bought some clothes at a flea market – yes, for someone who only wears new clothes, that was a change. No, it was not a bad thing but the fact that I was quite low in cash facilitated that move and I am glad that I could buy some fashion from the 1980’s! And yes, I am thankful over that.

Now it is up to you to consider thanking first before working on your 2020 resolution. I considered and have cleared my conscience and mind by closing 2019 to plan for 2020!


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