Refugees Who Made the Host Refugees



I was attacked on FB for supporting the Palestinians. I was told that I was supporting a militant group and my reply was `it depends on which side you are on.’

I am sure if you have been following my writings, I have written a piece on Saddam Hussein. These were his final words:

“You are going to fail,” Saddam said. “You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq. You are going to fail in Iraq because you do not know the language, the history, and you do not understand the Arab mind.” The Americans never did and they still don't.

It is no secret that the US invaded and destroyed Iraq for its own benefit – that’s the long story cut short. But the Americans were deemed to be saviours despite the fact that they left the country in shambles when they finally left. But the Palestinian Hamas which is defending its people aggressed in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem is called militants. Really. So, since Chinese army had attacked Indian army at the India – China border and the Indian army defended the country, they are militants? As I said, it depends on which side you are affiliated to.

It is the same with Palestine. In 1948, Jewish settlers were given a piece of barren land in the Arab continent after they had been on the run for years. Initially, they were given a place in today’s Argentine, but they refused. They wanted in Palestine and they were given that piece of land to live. The settlers were refugees who were not wanted by any country in Europe. So, they settled down on that piece of land and soon started grabbing land belonging to their host.

Someone suggested that I read The Synagogue of Satan by Hitchcock Andrew Carrington. I admit, I did not know that this book existed. The opening para itself was bone chilling.

“Ye are of your father, the devil…”

Religious and racial in nature, the Synagogue of Satan is, at its essence, a grotesque, satanic cult...regrettably, this Luciferian cabal of high priests is supported by over eighteen million people around the globe who call themselves “Jews”…They go by the name “Zionists.”

The same group of people who have been robbing the peaceful Palestinian farmers off their land for decades and destroying lives of those who gave them `house’ in the first place. They call themselves Israelis – Bani Israel. But, mind you, Bani Israel is not Jew. Bani Israel referred to people who lived on that land who were well explained in the Al Quran. The Jews were outsiders who came to build a life after the entire Europe got rid of them. Remember Hitler? Yeap, the continuation of that story.

That was why today we see the escalation of war between Israel and Palestine. The problem did not begin with Palestine. It never did all these years. If the Zionist could keep their balls to themselves and mind their own business, live in peace with others the world would be a better place. However, their greater intention is to conquer the world contrary to what they may claim. A look at real biblical and Quranic history will explain why they sought the land in Palestine to live and why they are building `good’ relationship with other countries like India and the US. The Zionist agenda is only one – to conquer the world. For from the 13th, the Satan, they originated from and it is the Satan that was banished by the Almighty. In the same way, the Jews were banished from Europe. Thus, the lust to conquer the entire world. And then what? The Al Mighty tells us that we came with nothing and we go with nothing, Perhaps Satan told its people otherwise, that when they go, they take all their possessions including house, land, wealth etc including the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. What stupidity!

It was like the Europeans knew that this race would cause so much disturbance, that they were sent to live among the peaceful – the Palestinians. Today, peace is the last thing one would find on the land of Palestine.

To the uninitiated, the current escalation began from Sheikh Jarrah. It is a town adjacent to the Al Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, which the Jews had wanted to occupy for decades. In the past few months, they have been throwing Palestinian families who have lived in their ancestral homes for decades, outside and brought in Israeli families. The refugees who are now making others, refugees.

There is a viral video on Youtube where a Palestinian woman tells an Israeli man `You are stealing my house!’ to which he replied `If I do not steal, someone else will!” It is as if by saying what he said, his wrong becomes right. How utterly satanic!

Try doing this to citizens of other countries. Try throwing some Americans out of their ancestral homes and settle an Israeli family in. Try throwing some Chinese in Beijing out of their homes and put Israeli families in. Try doing the same in India, Indonesia, why try doing that in Thailand. China would nuke the Jews off this universe if they were even remotely try that. No sovereign nation would agree to such an act. That stealing of homes started off the problems this round, which some learned ones call the third Palestinian intifada.

I am one who believe strongly that if something is meant to happen, it would, regardless and if something is not meant to happen, it will not, no matter what, for it is the word of God that is final. If He wills it, nothing can stop it. But till today, despite many attempts the Jews have not captured Sheikh Jarrah or the Al Aqsa mosque. On the last Friday of Ramadan, they attacked worshippers at the Al Aqsa mosque as the last resort.

Remember “Ye are of your father, the devil…” ?

Obviously, they are not going to respect one who worships God. Obviously. God can be worshipped anyway, all it takes is a pure, good heart. The worship of Satan is only one way and that is by inflicting the worse on humanity and all living being. That was what the Zionist did at the Al Aqsa Mosque and Hamas retaliated to protect the affected Palestinians. The rest is as you see now.

Israel may have the most advanced weapons and what not but remember David and Goliath? David, the underdog defeated Goliath. Hamas is the underdogs who over the years have been working on their defence despite a total lock down by Israel on Gaza. They had perfected many things while Israel had relied on its soon to be ancient Iron Dome. If my sources are right, Hamas even have a Seal-like set up that matches the American seals. Am not going to say more here, but if you have read till here, you would realise that complacency had set in Goliath and that was how David won.

If the current war escalates more, Israel will lose because there is no way it can make up for its egoistic complacency, a time used by Hamas well to prepare for the next war. Israel had lost precious time and oh, did I also mention that the Russian hand in also in the pudding? No, I am not going to elaborate. It is up to you to figure out where and how Russia is involved. So, despite the semitic agenda to conquer the world, there are other superpowers who keep a check on things, and darling, I am not talking about the United States of America. The US lost its teeth and claws long time ago else no sane population would have selected a man like Trump to be their President only to see him destroy the country to pieces.

I hope by now you realise why most countries in the world no longer welcome refugees. You see, one peaceful population gave some refugees place to live and the very refugees made the host become refugees; the aggression has not ended till today.

There can only be one explanation to this: “Ye are of your father, the devil…”


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