And the Winner is ...

 What did you think I would write? Goliath? David? So, who have won? Now, let me share some information with you; information that is not captured by the main stream media so you may not have had access to. 

1. Israelis have been bombing indiscriminately at Gaza, citing they were targeting Hamas. A top orthopedician from the largest hospital in Gaza reached home to be with is family of five - 30 minutes later he was dead when the Israelis bombed his home. His family was found alive in one of the rooms in his home, he was in another room. A 70+ doctor killed in Israeli bombing. Targeting Hamas?

2. Another few families in Gaza have perished completely - parents and all the kids, in one go. Targeting Hamas?

3. A media tower was demolished by Israeli bomb, of course they had given warning before blasting the building. Targeting Hamas? No sane country will destroy buildings housing media.

4. Apartment complexes were demolished. Hamas?


This child perished when Israelis bombed Gaza indiscriminately

Those perished and have lost their offices and homes are none other than civilians. 

What does this say? It says Israel is desperate. Desperate to win, so it is indiscriminately bombing in Gaza killing civilians. So far it had only killed one Hamas leader, a pretty highly placed one. That's all, the rest - civilians. You will not get these information bits on the mainstream media. May be just some unverified ones over YouTube, that is if that information is not censored. 

5. Some American ex army dude had made a video saying Israeli army is the most humanitarian in the world. Really? Have you seen how children were killed and women targeted by the Israeli army? For NOT doing anything.


                                                    Photo is for illustration purpose only

Any army that targets the vulnerable is a lost army. Israel army is an army that has lost army values. How about Hamas?

Hamas retaliated and killed some Israeli civilians in the process, but they never claimed to be the most humanitarian. But in this round of war their humanitarian side was clearly seen. 

6. Two hours before bombing Tel Aviv, the Hamas sent message to all those living in that city, via messaging service (!!??) that they have only two hours to go out of their shelter and buy essentials. After that they need to return to their shelter and wait till Hamas says it is okay to come out as bombing will be carried out. No, this was not reported in the mainstream media. The people rushed to supermarkets, bought stuff to keep them alive and returned to their shelters, waiting for further instruction from...HAMAS!!!

Benjamin Nethanyahu has lost his people and government, folks!! He would soon lose his army. You have an inkling now, who is already the winner?

7. Hamas has also circulated the contact number of a top defence official and people all over the world had started bombarding him with messages. No, it was not a very honourable act on the part of Hamas but it tells us something. Despite being `caged up' for years in Gaza, Hamas had strengthened it's intelligence so much that many of the Israeli military footages that are available on social media were hacked and obtained by Hamas. There was a video that showed Hamas Seal in action where they had sneaked into Israel and placed a bomb under an Israeli tank, which exploded seconds later. Those seals were never captured by the Israelis.  They left as they came, all seen in a surveillance video - Israeli surveillance video. Remember my earlier post where I said `complacent'? Well, yeah. Can the Israelis catch up? Personally, I think not because they had wasted the last 15 years being complacent and relying on soon to be ancient technology - the Iron Dome. 

There is a saying in Tamil - Vallavanukku vallavan vaiyagathil undu - if there is one utmost superior, there will always be one more superior than him. Mossad was revered to be the top intelligence agency in the world - now upstaged by Hamas, the underdogs.

8. Here is the icing on the cake why the underdog is already the winner. Since the war started five days ago, Israel has been losing USD460 million a day (USD160 million in air travel and USD300 in commerce), Gaza? Gaza never had anything to begin with - no decent water supply (Israelis bombed the utilities first), no electricity, no life. Most are like walking zombies, nothing to look forward to. Perhaps the only significant losses would be in the form of buildings that were flattened by Israeli bombs. Loss of life? They were all dead to begin with, remember? 

Hamas has bombed both airports, so air travel is not possible; aid would probably not reach them. Sea? Hamas just bombed Israel's army aircraft carrier off the Tel Aviv coast, which will not be reported on mainstream media. Israel is surrounded by countries that it had had trouble with in the past - Lebanon, Turkey and Syria. Which one of them is going to help?

So, the next question is how long can Israel keep at this war with such huge amount of losses in an economy which was already ravaged by Covid-19? Which country is going to help them? US? Biden is fighting his own war internally - Covid-19 and the uprising by Trump's supporters; not to mention that Biden had inherited a country in shambles in almost all angles. It may take another 10 years for America to get up onto its feet or it may never at all. 

I had also said that Russia also has its hand in the pudding. Connect the dots and you will see how it all makes sense and both Israel and the US have lost their places as countries to be feared. Soon, we may see other forces coming forth to be the super power. Governments may change and folks, finally, the Palestinians may get their rights back. That was what they have been fighting for since 1948 - just for their rights. 



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