Living the Peace Plan - Jared Kushner, Go Live in Palestine First

Jared Kushner, the Jewish son in law of President Trump told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that he read up to 25 books on Palestine, before drawing up the peace plan which his father in law proudly announced to the world. Read books? Really? That tells you everything that you need to know about a person, a country etc? How much can books tell you?

Well, here's a challenge - go live in Palestine for a good three years, with a very poor Palestinian family, in their house, eat what they eat, sleep where they sleep, bring no money with you, travel in their public transport, enjoy 4 hours of electricity daily, get water supply once in three days - then write your peace plan, I am sure even the Palestinians will support you, that is if you hadn't joined Hamas or Fatah by then. Even if you, Jared Kushner, join either party, they will still support you for your peace plan would be entirely different, I bet.

Many PhD students across the world dedicate their lives to primary research on their chosen subjects - do you know why? Because during viva, they can tell their examiners that they are the experts in their chosen fields. They can stand by their inferences with 100% conviction. They do not rely on secondary research alone to arrive at a theory or idea. They live their researches. 

So, I am going back to my challenge - Jared Kushner, go live in the Palestine like a poor Palestinian for three years and then write your peace plan, of course by which time your father in law may no longer be in the White House but be a man and do it. 

I always advise people never to sit in their living rooms and scale the Everest. No, sir, it does not work that way. Don't judge a single mother when you are married and have a husband - the life is different. Never try to console a cancer patient when you have never had the disease before. Because you need to walk in their shoes before you can say `I know what it's like'. No one knows how the life of another is like, so what makes Jared Kushner and his father in law experts about Palestine? More than experts, I believe there are some hidden agendas and the Palestinians are the scape goats for there is no way any other free civiliation in the world could be forced to hear such a deal. The Palestinians live in the largest open air prison in the world, so it is just so convenient for Trump and co to do as they please, but please remember - pride comes before a fall. 

All of us who born will die - it is a question of what we do while we breathe that matters for that is how people will remember us. Nixon - Watergate, Clinton - Monica Lewinsky - I need not give a full list. I bet no one would have amazing eulogy for the father in law - son in law when they leave this world, for todate I have yet to read about some worthy thing that they have done. And the Palestinian peace plan is another of their open secret scam. So, to be remembered well, Jared Kushner, go live in Palestine as a poor Palestinian, just for three years and then draw your peace plan. History will certainly remember you!


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