A Case of Pot Calling Kettle Black!

The US feels insulted that Malaysian PM Tun Mahathir asked Trump to resign when the former was asked about the latter's peace plans in the Middle East. 

Really? One should not comment on an erroneous plan? So, Palestine belongs to the US? President Trump happily divides someone else's land, to be given to another and that's okay? If the US reserves the right to `confiscate' the belonging of someone else and claim that it is an honourable act, well, Tun's remark is also honourable, to the core.

And Tun was right. The Americans decided erroneously to acquit Trump as can be seen by the narrow margin between those for and against his impeachment. Unfortunately, those who chose to acquit him wrote a bad history, just like those who chose to endorse the `peace plan', which in essence takes peace away!

So, to those senators who voted against the impeachment, next time Trump take the women in your family or your properties and award to someone else, stay silent as you have stayed now, or just support him. After all, you supported his `crimes', so if he acts against you, so what?

It is not what Trump had done, it is the principle behind it, that matters. During my HR days, whenever any employee issue crops up, the basic principle applied would be - were the actions based on principle or just spontaneous?

If two employees get into fist fight because one had commented on something so sensitive to the other, it would probably be something done at the spur of the moment. But if an accountant in a company decides to transfer company funds into his and cheat his employer, that is premeditated act that usually warrants summary dismissal. If a person, as a matter of principle does not respect the fundamentals of humanity, he/she cannot be pardoned or forgiven. One of the fundamentals of humanity is righteousness. Anything done against righteousness in premeditated manner cannot be accepted as spontaneous. Premeditated - planned in advance. 

So, Trump's so called peace plan was premeditated while Tun's remarks were spontaneous. So, think. The US jumped up saying that his remarks were not in the best interest of the bilateral relations between US and Malaysia. Really? The peace plan was in the best interest of the world?

We do not become righteous by doing righteous deed but, having been made righteous, we do righteous deeds.
MARTIN LUTHER, "Disputation against Scholastic Theology"
The above quote says it all - especially about Trump and those who elected supported him. It will also say much more if he is returned to office for another term.


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