Where Would Trump Go?

This afternoon the Palestinian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has organised a protest against the announcement by Trump on his peace plan for Palestine where he had conveniently taken Palestinian land and bequeathed to Israel. While the Palestinians protested, some Israelis with conscience are also disagreeing to that plan. 

One has to be mentally deranged to approve the confiscation of one man's land to be given to the other, no matter who does it. I do not now how other faiths deal with that but in Hinduism, the Garuda Purana has some very profound ways of dealing with such people when they leave this world and enter the other. Here are some of the perceived punishments (as it appeared in desinema.com)

1. Rauravam (Torments of Snakes)
28 Deadly Punishments Mentioned in Garuda Puran of Hinduism -4
CRIME: Enjoying others property or resources with through possession
PUNISHMENT: Tortured with the serpents, thrown into the hell of Rauravam where the people they have cheated assume the shape of “Ruru”, a dreadful serpent, torment them severely until their time is up.
2. Mahararuravam (Death by Snakes)
28 Deadly Punishments Mentioned in Garuda Puran of Hinduism 11
CRIME: Destroying other property, Denial of legitimate heirs, inheritance and possession of others property, Brutally destroying other’s property and family for the sake of acquisition,
PUNISHMENT: Squeezing and nonstop biting of sinners with snakes with extreme and violent energy and coiling around them.
3.  Taptamurti or Agnikundam (Burnt Alive)
28 Deadly Punishments Mentioned in Garuda Puran of Hinduism 12
CRIME: Stealing, snatching other’s property by force, steal gold and jewels care cast into the furnaces of this Naraka and gaining undue advantage and unlawfully making best out of everything in the world
PENALTY: Sinners are roasted in inverted positions with hands and legs tied over fire
4.  Tamisram (Heavy Flogging)
28 Deadly Punishments Mentioned in Garuda Puran of Hinduism 13
CRIME: People who try to take the possession over others property (wealth, money, land, houses, jewellery) exercising unacceptable acts such as robbing, surcharging with interests etc., would be punished with this punishment by god of death Yamraj’s retainers and cast them into the Naraka (hell) known as Tamisram.
PUNISHMENT: Souls which have been confined to the Tamisram Naraka (hell) would be thrashed until the victim gets bleed and fainted and end of their time period in the hell.
5. Vaitarani(River of Filth)
28 Deadly Punishments Mentioned in Garuda Puran of Hinduism 26
CRIME: Abusing with their powers and adulterers, misusing the official and rulers stature to attain undue advantage and acting against dharma
PENALTY: Submerging victims and souls in a river filled with human excreta, blood, hair, bones, nails, flesh and all kinds of dirty substances where various kinds of terrible beasts who attack and mauled by these creatures from all sides. Added to this sinners have to spend the term of their punishment, feeding upon the contents of this river.
This is just an expression of my frustration over the deprivation of rights of Palestinians. I am also not in favour of similar moves against the Muslims in Kashmir, and I will never favour any such moves. This earth was created by the Al Mighty for a purpose, so who are we to re-purpose His purpose? So, again, in the options above - where would Trump go after leaving this world?


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