
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Next Bollywood Suicide - Why Rhea Chakraborthy Should Not Apply for Anticipatory Bail (It's Called `Karma', B**ch!)

Call me a bi tch, I care not and I will still write this and one day you will say `Yeah, she wrote about that and it happened'. I didn't want to dabble on SSR's (Sushant Singh Rajput) death investigation after my second post on him, but as more and more stories and evidences emerge, I am just as pissed as his other fans. Since my last writing about his death, here is  more information, mostly gathered from YouTube channels, namely Republic TV. Now why would I believe this channel? BJP MP Subramaniyan Swamy had commented that Republic TV had done a good job in unearthing more and more truths about SSR's demise. Here is what is not available in print media. 1. SSR was killed between 12 midnight and 1 a.m. on 13-14 June 2020. This was said by his neighbour who claimed he saw 5 - 6 burly men on his floor around 12 midnight when he heard some loud sounds in the corridor. Moments later, there were sounds in  SSR's bedroom. The neighbour was too scared to even open his doo

The Sugu Pavithara Melodrama - I told you so, didn't I? it's so easy to fail!

Generally, I do not like to write about individuals, but this woman had caught my attention and made me very mad. Hopping mad. She built a following on YouTube and then deleted all her videos, after garnering more than 700,000 subscribers.  She was given award as Ipoh City icon, which she returned and snubbed the Mayor of Ipoh City. She had the chance to meet the PM, an opportunity many of us may not get in our life times unless we attend PM residence Hari Raya Open House, and she threw all that away for an abusive alcoholic man whom she reveres as husband. And she deleted her videos, snubbing her subscribers. I wasn't one of the subscribers, mind you. But I wrote about her in an earlier posting:  because for me her predicament was close to home. She did exactly what I said she should not do. She failed. Good for her, three to five years down the road I bet she would be in the news seek

Why Setting Up Business For Free Online is A Huge Lie! How to do it right - Part 1.

How do you start a business to generate a second income online? Or a third? Or plan for retirement? Or even quit your job to work on your own online? The first lie that you should never believe is that you can set up a successful business for free online. No, it will never work. Well, we also believed that we can set up business for free online, till we actually did.                                                                                                1. Before anything, do a complete research, as extensive as possible, on the products that you are about to offer. Read blogs, watch videos, check out every part of the Net. Pick up some skills. Research, research and research. Check out what people are searching on (keywords) Google. Tryout this site: It will come as an add-on to your Chrome and every time you search something it will show the traffic per month and Cost per Click (CPC). The higher the CPC, the higher the competition. 2

The Sugu Pavithra Melodrama - Can Never Take Estate Out of a Person!

We all knew it was coming. The photo shoot was the giveaway. Malaysian Indian men have Himalayan sized ego, love their women to remain their slaves for life and can't handle being in the shadows.  If I had written this blog before the whole Sugu Pavithra episode, I would have been shot down. However, here you go - a famous couple, almost complete rags to riches story and one event was all it took for the man to show his true colours. He got drunk and he had a sickle in his hand when he wanted to barge into the O & G Ward at Ipoh GH. There is a saying - you can take a person out of estate but can never take the estate out of the person. How true! I must admit, I wasn't quite aware of this couple till I saw them in the news meeting the PM. Then came the photo shoot. Pavithra is a stunning beauty. A gem of a find lost in some estate life. If she hadn't started the YouTube Cook channel, they would have remained in estate, making meagre income, living from payday to payday o

Can We Stomach the Truth and Move On?

Sushant Singh Rajput died on 14th June 2020. A date I would likely remember to my end because it was a day before my second daughter's birthday. And why was Sushant such a big deal for fans of Bollywood? Because he represented the common man. He represented the Bollywood outsiders who worked so hard to achieve what he did, despite all odds. And, he made it. His demise happened when he was at his peak. While early reports were built around him committing suicide due to depression, subsequent discrepancies in his death saw conspiracy theories emerging almost at every part of the net. What more with online channels digging up dirt from their sources in the police force, which added to the drama. The best one could expect was to hear from Sushant himself what actually happened to him. He was asked and he answered. How? For the non-believers, only this world exists. For the believer, there are dimensions beyond this world. Those who wanted to know the truth so as to rest their mind in p

Why did she throw?

Why did she throw? An 18 year old mother was charged at the Penang Court for throwing her baby girl from her apartment on to the backyard of the building. My stomach churned when I read the news. Police arrested the girl and her boyfriend. She had been charged with murder but her boyfriend has been released from remand.  All that aside, why did she throw? That's the pressing question. 19 years ago in 2001, an 18 year old school girl got impregnated by someone. The baby was delivered at early seventh month and given up for adoption on the same night, hours after birth. The adoption came with a price tag of RM10,000. I suppose the payment was for the mother, her uncle who coordinated the adoption plus the fees for the maternity clinic. At least that baby did not get thrown out. Teen pregnancy is not something new. Young girls end up in unexpected and unwanted pregnancies when all guards were down, many times due to sheer ignorance. Then again there are couples who remain childless fo