A Lesson Called Corona

My post before this is called Corona, I Love You. Trust me no love lost despite my being under lock down working from home since 17th March. In fact, I love and appreciate the virus even more now. The more deaths I see, the more I wonder what the karma of those people were. Everyone has deep secrets - secrets that only the person and his/her creator knows. So, what had they done that a lifeless virus has to defeat them? I wonder.

However, the shallow ones still wade through their lives not realising that if they do not learn their lessons now, the next time around they may not be lucky. Corona is here to teach each of us our lessons. Corona means crown. The King, and Queen wear crowns. King and Queen are authorities, though in some countries they are just symbols. So the crown is here to deliver lessons. I am absolutely sure each person would have learnt their lessons, only realisation may not have happened. And here are some lessons that I learnt, though not all are applicable to my life:

Lesson #1- The AlMighty has given us what we need - food, clothing and shelter. But mankind are very, very greedy. Instead of food to appease hunger, they seek food as lifestyle, food as luxury to flaunt, food as societal status. But the lock down taught us that we just need food to fill the tummy. That's all we need. The same goes with shelter and clothing. Whatever we have suffices, need not go seeking anything beyond our means. If by now the lesson hasn't been learnt, well, all the best.

Lesson #2 - we can only do so much for others, each will have to get their shit together. One daughter of mine is in Cyberjaya, managing on her own, another is with her dad, counting the days to leave the home jail. I am at my place, working as usual, nothing new as I am used to being home for 13 months in 2012. Being home or working from home will tell you that you need the least things. No need fancy clothes, no need fancy food, no need fancy office. Just work to put food on the table and do the best we can. That's how life has been designed till greed in mankind took over.

Lesson #3 - appreciate everything and everyone around you. We spend time with people and pets for a reason. The 4 weeks that we were home bound - Raed, Hamouda and me, saw Power grow up to be a strong dog. We took him as a 5 month old puppy. Each day all three of us leave for work, shutting him off at the balcony. In the morning, the guys feed him, evening I feed him. Since we were all mesmerized in our own work and world, we had hardly paid attention to his needs. He became like furniture, unattended. That must have infuriated the AlMighty. In the last 4 weeks, he grew from Alopecia stricken dog to a handsome boy with nice fur. I changed his diet from the food he didn't like to healthy food consisting of vegetables and chicken. Just nice proportion of meat and bones in his food. He looks forward to his mealtimes. And his favorite pass time - sleeping in my home office a I work. He keeps me company, stirring only when I step out to the kitchen or toilet. This experience can never be bought with money, ever. As for Raed, he has trained Power to jump from heights now that he is stronger though he doesn't quite know how to climb yet, but I am sure he would, soon.

Lesson #4 - God gives us time to reach out to Him. Yes, on the 3rd April I embraced Islam, something I wanted to do for a long time. Allah SWT must have been so pleased for I got married on the same day. That was a twist I never expected but it was His plan so who am I to decline? And last Thursday was the first time I fasted as fasting is done during Ramadan. Raed wanted to fast, so I joined him and performed solat 5 times that day. It was such a different feeling. Felt as if I am totally with AlMighty, if my death comes now, I will embrace it willingly for I know I will go straight to Allah SWT.

Lesson #5 - AlMighty has given everyone time to think and do good. It was during this lock down that I finally started sourcing for land to buy. I had always wanted to settle down out of city and build a small mosque or surau. Now is the time to do all these. And I also saw how when people do not use the given time usefully, calamity befell them. A woman I know, who tarnished my name on FB, tried approaching my friends to ask them to get for her my marriage photos. When she bad mouthed me over FB I blocked her. So to get the photos she started 'romancing' some men friends, even promising to marry them with a return favour of getting my marriage photos. Little she realised that not everyone is evil like her and chat history screen shots can be taken for records. She fell into the hole she dug. Now there's hard evidence that while being married to a man, she has been romancing others. For whatever reason, no decent married woman will make any offer to any man, more so to one known over FB for a very short time.  I have good friends on FB and they have stayed good. In the society where she comes from, what she has done is equivalent to death sentence. Why? Allah SWT had given time to get closer to Him, not dig hole for someone whose life has been determined by AlMighty.

Corona and the lock down is here for a reason. Each of us need to sit and reflect during this given time, else the next time AlMighty sends another test, we might not make it. It's better to be late than sorry. Another 2 weeks to reflect on own life and on all the life lessons learnt.


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