
Re-powering Power

  A couple of days ago I went to office for a work day. It was a very good day at the office and upon completing the train journey home in the evening, Raed asked about my day as I sat in the car. "Had a great day at the office," I told him. It certainly felt good returning to office for work after two years of work at home arrangement, no thanks to Covid-19. What I missed most was the face to face meetings. A hard core BD person, I missed meeting potential and existing clients. But, going back to office certainly felt good. After answering Raed, I felt something amiss. "How was your day?" I asked him. Raed took up a job as sports coach in November 2021 and on that day he had a session at an international school at Brickfields. We could have travelled together since his place of work was close to mine but as usual I preferred the public transport. You see, I do a lot in the time that I commute to and fro work when I travel by train - read, manage our online fashion

Imperfections are Okay

  My daughter, Abby, stepped into our home and commented, “Gosh, mum, the house smells of dog!” Yes, now that we have moved the mum and puppies into the living room, the place smells of dogs – puppies to be exact. And Raed has moved the day beds from the spare room to next to the dining table – right now, our living arrangement is like what we used to have back in our old home in Kepong – crammed. He brought the day beds down because he has been dog sitting them. A good man, he is.                                    The dry and wet kitchens were spared. But, bringing the puppies and Jodha in meant Power also moved in! Well, our new home is not perfect to begin with. When we moved into this new township, we just fixed what was needed – electricals and fittings – and brought in other stuff from the old home. Only Abby’s room has all the new stuff like wardrobe, bed, shelf, mirror and a vanity table. But her room does not smell any better either because she has a Pomeranian called Met

And the Winner is ...

  What did you think I would write? Goliath? David? So, who have won? Now, let me share some information with you; information that is not captured by the main stream media so you may not have had access to.  1. Israelis have been bombing indiscriminately at Gaza, citing they were targeting Hamas. A top orthopedician from the largest hospital in Gaza reached home to be with is family of five - 30 minutes later he was dead when the Israelis bombed his home. His family was found alive in one of the rooms in his home, he was in another room. A 70+ doctor killed in Israeli bombing. Targeting Hamas? 2. Another few families in Gaza have perished completely - parents and all the kids, in one go. Targeting Hamas? 3. A media tower was demolished by Israeli bomb, of course they had given warning before blasting the building. Targeting Hamas? No sane country will destroy buildings housing media. 4. Apartment complexes were demolished. Hamas?                                   This child perished w

Refugees Who Made the Host Refugees

                                                                                                                               I was attacked on FB for supporting the Palestinians. I was told that I was supporting a militant group and my reply was `it depends on which side you are on.’ I am sure if you have been following my writings, I have written a piece on Saddam Hussein. These were his final words: “You are going to fail,” Saddam said. “You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq. You are going to fail in Iraq because you do not know the language, the history, and you do not understand the Arab mind.” The Americans never did and they still don't. It is no secret that the US invaded and destroyed Iraq for its own benefit – that’s the long story cut short. But the Americans were deemed to be saviours despite the fact that they left the country in shambles when they finally left. But the Palestinian Hamas which is defending its people aggressed in Sheikh Jar

Books I Read (and still reading) in 2020 (Part 2) : Debriefing the President - The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein

                                                                                      John Nixon was a senior leadership analyst with the CIA from 1998 to 2011 and this is his first book, probably only book. Seventeen years ago, in the month of December, the US military forces captured Iraqi President Saddam Hussein near his hometown of Tikrit. John Nixon was tasked to debrief the President. You may have figured out by now that I like reading controversial stuff. I have always admired Saddam for his ability to govern a country divided by two main disciplines of Islam - Sunni and Shia. And when he was captured and hanged, the country went into turmoil that lasts till today. Saddam was portrayed as a dictator who ruled with iron fists - or did he? Years ago when I was attending a course on leadership, as part of the course, we were given a situation and asked to choose five items from the pool of stiff that we could have access to post a plane crash in the desert. Among the items was a

Books I Read (and still reading) in 2020 - Part 1 (Why I Killed Gandhi)

 Hi folks! I am back with my blog again! A very dramatic year 2020 has been. The Covid-19 pandemic had altered the way we live. No handshakes, no close proximity, face masked always - it is known as the New Normal. When the pandemic first broke out, almost the whole world went into lock down. Borders closed, economies shut down, people lost their income and suddenly business continuity planning became a sought after competency.  In the gloom, something good did happen - people found time at hand. Families started connecting, people pursued long awaited personal projects and some, like me, read books. I have a habit - I buy kindle books, make a mental note to read someday, but that someday took a pandemic to realise. So, since I had so much time at hand I started reading one by one the books that I had bought. Here is the first book that I read at as the year unfolded. A gentle reminder - the contents cited were from the book; my comments are at the end of the post.     Why I Killed Gan

Gang War in Bollywood

  If you are thinking whether you had read right, yes, you did. The latest collateral damage that's publicly known is Deepika Padukone. She doesn't know that, not did any of those involved in the SSR case. I can sense your confusion but first, take time to read my earlier blog .  You see, sometime between mid to late August 2020, a spy was planted near my unit where I stay. So, looks like I hit close to home with my blog. Probably, the dude who is paid to spy on me does not even know his Masters.  Now, let's come back to this gang war. What's a gang? A gang is a group of people with common motive, whatever the motive contains. The biggest motive a gang can have is territory control. Since time immemorial mankind have always been after territory - China-India war in Tibet is an example. Claiming a territory gives one access to many things - mainly funds and co-conspirators. Gangs need money and people to stay in control.  Bollywood, till recent times was such. We all kno