
Showing posts from September, 2020

Gang War in Bollywood

  If you are thinking whether you had read right, yes, you did. The latest collateral damage that's publicly known is Deepika Padukone. She doesn't know that, not did any of those involved in the SSR case. I can sense your confusion but first, take time to read my earlier blog .  You see, sometime between mid to late August 2020, a spy was planted near my unit where I stay. So, looks like I hit close to home with my blog. Probably, the dude who is paid to spy on me does not even know his Masters.  Now, let's come back to this gang war. What's a gang? A gang is a group of people with common motive, whatever the motive contains. The biggest motive a gang can have is territory control. Since time immemorial mankind have always been after territory - China-India war in Tibet is an example. Claiming a territory gives one access to many things - mainly funds and co-conspirators. Gangs need money and people to stay in control.  Bollywood, till recent times was such. We all kno

When You Stir the Hornets' Nest...

 This post is not in favour of anyone; I talk about opening of the Pandora's box - in any situation. In this world, many things happen - both good and bad. Good and bad are relative terms. To some, a good person is one who does everything he is told to do, to others a good person is one who stands up for dharma, regardless of the consequences. So, it is akin to one man's meat being another's poison.                                                        Our own home shores saw the May 2018 election results show this with clarity - the country supported change by removing the ruling party through election. Those who supported the change were jubilant, others were bitter. Then right before the Covid-19 pandemic broke, another government replaced the elected one, some called them backdoor government. Some were jubilant, others bitter. So, each side started opening Pandora's box discrediting each other. In the end, it was about the benefit that one derived from each inciden