
Showing posts from February, 2020

A Case of Pot Calling Kettle Black!

The US feels insulted that Malaysian PM Tun Mahathir asked Trump to resign when the former was asked about the latter's peace plans in the Middle East.  Really? One should not comment on an erroneous plan? So, Palestine belongs to the US? President Trump happily divides someone else's land, to be given to another and that's okay? If the US reserves the right to `confiscate' the belonging of someone else and claim that it is an honourable act, well, Tun's remark is also honourable, to the core. And Tun was right. The Americans decided erroneously to acquit Trump as can be seen by the narrow margin between those for and against his impeachment. Unfortunately, those who chose to acquit him wrote a bad history, just like those who chose to endorse the `peace plan', which in essence takes peace away! So, to those senators who voted against the impeachment, next time Trump take the women in your family or your properties and award to someone else, stay s

Living the Peace Plan - Jared Kushner, Go Live in Palestine First

Jared Kushner, the Jewish son in law of President Trump told  CNN's Christiane Amanpour that he read up to 25 books on Palestine, before drawing up the peace plan which his father in law proudly announced to the world. Read books? Really? That tells you everything that you need to know about a person, a country etc? How much can books tell you? Well, here's a challenge - go live in Palestine for a good three years, with a very poor Palestinian family, in their house, eat what they eat, sleep where they sleep, bring no money with you, travel in their public transport, enjoy 4 hours of electricity daily, get water supply once in three days - then write your peace plan, I am sure even the Palestinians will support you, that is if you hadn't joined Hamas or Fatah by then. Even if you, Jared Kushner, join either party, they will still support you for your peace plan would be entirely different, I bet. Many PhD students across the world dedicate their lives to primary res