
Showing posts from April, 2020

The New Normal Post Corona

Covid-19 cases are reducing in some countries - slowly life is returning to `normal', or is it? What is normal after the lock down? The lock down brought about so many changes, some very apparent, others very subtle. But changes are here to stay. 1. Grocery shopping made easy - yeap, we had that as an option pre-corona but post-corona we realise that sometimes it is better to order online because we get a variety to buy from without ever stepping out of the house. The norm was to go to the closest supermarket and buy whatever groceries we need, or an early morning trip to the neighbourhood wet market for fresh produce. Since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was put in place, the early morning markets were accessible but with the fear that the virus may infect. Social distancing was required, entry into supermarkets were limited with security guards checking everyone's temperature, mask was a requirement, police checks were all over, that travelling was very painful. So, mo

A Lesson Called Corona

My post before this is called Corona, I Love You. Trust me no love lost despite my being under lock down working from home since 17th March. In fact, I love and appreciate the virus even more now. The more deaths I see, the more I wonder what the karma of those people were. Everyone has deep secrets - secrets that only the person and his/her creator knows. So, what had they done that a lifeless virus has to defeat them? I wonder. However, the shallow ones still wade through their lives not realising that if they do not learn their lessons now, the next time around they may not be lucky. Corona is here to teach each of us our lessons. Corona means crown. The King, and Queen wear crowns. King and Queen are authorities, though in some countries they are just symbols. So the crown is here to deliver lessons. I am absolutely sure each person would have learnt their lessons, only realisation may not have happened. And here are some lessons that I learnt, though not all are applicable to my