
Showing posts from January, 2022

Re-powering Power

  A couple of days ago I went to office for a work day. It was a very good day at the office and upon completing the train journey home in the evening, Raed asked about my day as I sat in the car. "Had a great day at the office," I told him. It certainly felt good returning to office for work after two years of work at home arrangement, no thanks to Covid-19. What I missed most was the face to face meetings. A hard core BD person, I missed meeting potential and existing clients. But, going back to office certainly felt good. After answering Raed, I felt something amiss. "How was your day?" I asked him. Raed took up a job as sports coach in November 2021 and on that day he had a session at an international school at Brickfields. We could have travelled together since his place of work was close to mine but as usual I preferred the public transport. You see, I do a lot in the time that I commute to and fro work when I travel by train - read, manage our online fashion