
Showing posts from November, 2020

Books I Read (and still reading) in 2020 - Part 1 (Why I Killed Gandhi)

 Hi folks! I am back with my blog again! A very dramatic year 2020 has been. The Covid-19 pandemic had altered the way we live. No handshakes, no close proximity, face masked always - it is known as the New Normal. When the pandemic first broke out, almost the whole world went into lock down. Borders closed, economies shut down, people lost their income and suddenly business continuity planning became a sought after competency.  In the gloom, something good did happen - people found time at hand. Families started connecting, people pursued long awaited personal projects and some, like me, read books. I have a habit - I buy kindle books, make a mental note to read someday, but that someday took a pandemic to realise. So, since I had so much time at hand I started reading one by one the books that I had bought. Here is the first book that I read at as the year unfolded. A gentle reminder - the contents cited were from the book; my comments are at the end of the post.     Why I Killed Gan