
Showing posts from May, 2020

Living with the Virus - A New Beginning or Revisiting Olden Way of Life?

The Facebook was swathed with memes about learning to live with the corona virus. One meme said it is like getting married, first you try to reign in your wife but after numerous attempts, you just learn to live with her and her ways - adapt. The same is said about the virus. A vaccine or even cure seems very far away, countries are trying to contain the spread - some going into lock down, others have started living with it from the beginning - Sweden. Sweden did not shut down its economy and ask people to stay home. No, life goes on as usual. Number of deaths was third highest in the world during the last count. But the economy did not shut down probably because someone had the foresight that humans on planet earth will have to learn to live with the virus until some kind of vaccine or drug is found. That's precisely what the Indian government has advised it's citizens - learn to live with the virus.  Though now a Muslim, I was a Hindu once. Hindu - does not relate to any reli

New Normal, New Blessing..or is it?

On 4th May 2020, the Malaysian government announced CMCO (Controlled Movement Control Order). That was a huge welcome after being place under strict quarantine for about 6 weeks. At that time everyone said `no thanks to Corona'. Now, since restrictions have been partially lifted, life is slowly easing back to normalcy - the new normal.  Social distancing is the buzz word, washing hands frequently is the new norm, wearing mask becomes part of fashion statement, so does wearing gloves. Cinemas, places of worship and entertainment outlets are still closed indefinitely and looks like the entire industry may slowly collapse save for those who foray into virtual side of things. Some comedians have started going virtual but unless such initiatives are supported by  innovative technology, it is highly unlikely that the physical experience that comes while enjoying shows can be replicated in the virtual arena. However, the same cannot be said about live streaming of service from pla