
Showing posts from March, 2020


Call me crazy but I really love and respect the Corona virus. Nope, ain’t trying to get your attention, but when I heard the way the virus was sweeping across the world this is what I remembered: In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna had said whenever there is acute adharma, He would come and set things right again. So, is the Corona virus Lord Krishna? No, it is not like that. To begin with the virus does not have a life – it is in the form of an RNA. And it feeds off the host. Thus, killing the virus is not possible. Like you can’t kill the table, chair and all things lifeless. To kill the virus, the host has to be exterminated. Scary, huh? Yeap, it is. So, thus I respect the virus for doing what governments across the globe could not, what all holy men could not – discipline the world and put people in their places – everyone, make everyone realise that human beings are nothing to begin with.   No one spared, not even Queen Elizabeth of England. Her Majesty, too, has to st